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The Frankenwagon gets boosted.....


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bought this on Sunday so I can hone my own cylinders (and a ring compressor):






some parts


NPR piston rings

ACL main and rod bearings

PCI timing kit

GMB new water pump

head bolts

and an OEM engine gasket set


another part showed up last week, it said this on it



Monday's progress. bolted the case halves together:



rear main seal in



oil and water pumps installed. pistons, as well as coolant bridge, and wrist-pin access plugs.









once again, not much to do until more parts come. this time waiting on the ported/polished heads with reground cams to arrive from Delta.

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  • 1 month later...

the car is for sale, but the build continues.


couple more parts arrived:



I had pretty much giving up finding a subaru AWIC......then i got a tip from someone at the Nemadji 1 rally, and now I have one. I'll have to do something about that sticker though....."Turbo" just doesn't fit anymore :grin:




and then these pretties:




HUGE thanks to Ken and everyone at Delta for their work on the project. Heads were mildly ported/polished, rebuilt, and cams reground for torque. They're gorgeous! I was thinking about taking them downstairs, and bolting them up to the motor.....but I think I'll put them on the shelf here in the living room :slobber:



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  cameron 1 said:
holy sh@# thats awsome what kind of power will it put out


with stock pulleys, it will probably boost about 4-5psi. which is pretty conservative, considering the rest of the build. But, I still expect about 150awhp.


with a larger crank pulley, I should be able to bring it up to about 8-9psi before maxing out these injectors (stock turbo legacy), at which point, I don't think 200awhp is out of the question.


then with larger injectors. I could step the boost up a bit more, something like 10-11psi before I have to start worrying about the setup with this compression. I don't plan to go to this point at this compression. once I max out the injectors, my next step will be a whole new engine. probably an EJ255/257 semi-closed shortblock, and EJ25D heads/intake. but that's all a couple years off. might just skip it and go diesel :slobber:

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awesome build.


do you have some close up pics of the PnP setup that delta did? Very interested in how it looks. the ej22 heads are so piddly i'm curious to see how much porting can be done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^forgot to take some closeups. I'll try to remember when I have the intake mani off. This was a pretty mild porting job, mostly just a casting cleanup. but they did sharpen up the splitters on the intake sides nicely.




well. I bolted them to the motor. and then put an intake manifold on it.....


and then I found some other random junk around the basement (wound up with a box and the center case section from a legacy trans...) to hold the SC and IC where they would wind up to plan my intake tract. Yea, when the new shell arrives, it probably won't be long before it's boosting!










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  • 1 month later...
  reddevil said:
Looking good! I managed about 150 whp @ 8? psi and about 190ish @ 12 psi.


hmmmm...maybe my estimates were a bit high. that's alright, those numbers are perfectly acceptable, and with the other mods I'm doing, the torque curve should be positively sexy :slobber:


  JackV said:
I'm amazed right now, I love this build...


Thanks! I may have decided on a shell to install it in. I was planning on buying a clean PNW coupe shell sometime next summer and painting it, but since the accident in my XT6 last week, I'm thinking it'll be cheaper to pull the frame out and fix a couple rust spots on it than get my hands on a new shell. and since I was already planning body work and paint.....





not much for updates lately. except my girlfriend bought me a set of Phenolic intake manifold spacers for my birthday a few weeks ago!

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  • 1 year later...

BYOB. you'll need it.




only thing I still own from this build is the Link ECU. Engine was put in a t-leg ice racer....and blown. blower and AWIC were ebayed. heads sold on rs25. transmission sold. Wagon sold. XT6 will be for sale as soon as the body damage is repaired. Never talked my uncle into selling the 914.


I'm done with street cars, for now at least. my modifying money goes into the 4runner and brat. I like the way my celica handles better than the subarus. and it gets better mileage....


and most of my time goes to the Ziptie Rally cars.

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