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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

'92 Legacy wagon Comfort Lounger mod


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I was bored one night a while ago so I started screwing around with my drivers seat to see if I could make it more comfortable. I unbolted the front 2 bolts and shimmed a couple 1 inch blocks underneath it then sat in it. It was way more comfortable than before, kinda like laying into it rather than sitting on it.


I then made some metal brackets that raised the front of the seat by 2 inches and used the factory mounting holes in the floor still. What an amazing difference! I swear I could sleep in that seat afterwards, plus it feels like Im driving a small SUV or something now.


I removed 1 of the 2 bolts that hold the seat to the draveshaft hump toward the middle of the car so that it could pivot backwards. The seat is rock solid and completely safe.


Ill take a picture next time I get the chance.


By the way why was this site not working for like a month?

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