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Front "side marker lights"/ tail lights won't turn off

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Hey all


The front marker lights and tail lights on my 93 Loyale won't turn off with the switch or when the car is turned off:cornfuzz: Have any of you had to deal with this issue? Is there a relay between the switch and the lights? I looked at the Haynes manual, but

as usual the information was lacking...Any thoughts or comments

would be much appreciated!




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Oh my heavens, thats too easy! I just sent the wife out with the Loyale, as it is superior (with studs) to her Yukon driving on the icy/slushy roads of our subdivision....She even showed me that she could take off the negative battery cable when she got to where she was going...:lol: As soon as she gets back I'll check that switch, I bet thats what it is! Gotta get off night shift it's making me dim:dead:


Thanks much!


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Well folks


Yes indeed, it was the (suspected) switch, again too easy!

A cool side note: I told the wife that I found the answer to

the problem by posting on USMB, and she said "maybe that

isn't such a bad site after all"...Seems I spend a little too much

time here :brow:


Thanks again!


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  • 6 months later...

hello guys


has anyone seen tail lights that will flash even when the hazard lights are switched off?? And at a different frequency than the hazards ? I think my Outback is trying to tell me something!!


any help will be greatly appreciated!

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  mike04 said:
hello guys


has anyone seen tail lights that will flash even when the hazard lights are switched off?? And at a different frequency than the hazards ? I think my Outback is trying to tell me something!!


any help will be greatly appreciated!


Try the new gen forum for that.....


Speaking of that switch for the P lights....we had a customer come into NAPA just for the reason of "why wont my lights go off?" I walked out, seen the switch, and said "SUBARU has this nifty switch right here....*off*....see? Sometimes you might bump it accidentally....etc..." "Wow, didnt know that....strange, but neat. Thanks...."

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  • 3 months later...

awesome! I had this same issue last night after putting tha battery into my 87 wagon... I remember messing with that switch some days back too, when I was checking out the interior (as it's very foreign to me :) )


will check the switch tonight.

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  • 4 years later...

LMAO! i know when i very first got my xt i did the usual and played with every switch and gadget in the car and since the paint had faded on the parking light and hazard light switches i just remember switching them on and off a million times going "what the hell are these?!" and later going "that car is broke the lights wont turn off!!!":lol:

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  McBrat said:
awesome! I had this same issue last night after putting tha battery into my 87 wagon... I remember messing with that switch some days back too, when I was checking out the interior (as it's very foreign to me :) )


will check the switch tonight.



Dude you bought another car.

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Not All Loyales got that Switch, isn`t it? ...

My 1985 Models Doesn`t have it, Back to the Steering there`s Just a Top Mounted Push / Pull Button marked with a Triangle, to Switch On / Off the Parking Blinker Lights...

The Only "Weird" Switch I`ve Found, is that the Main HeadLamps` Switch has another -Hidden- Position, more Left than Off... if you Press the Switch and then Turn it Left, it will Turn On the Side Markers / Tail Lights \ License Plate`s Lights Without turning On the Dashboards` Lights.

But my Loyales got the Main HeadLamps` Switch mounted on the Dash, not on the Steerin` Column.

Kind Regards.

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