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how do you define an addiction?

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ad·dic·tion (-dkshn) The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.


I just picked up my third Subaru, and I think I'm addicted!:D This one is an 1984 gl wagon, 4x4 4speed. I saw it sitting in a guys driveway when I was visiting my grandparents for Christmas. Since 80's Subarus are getting tough to come by here in southern Minnesota, I decided to stop and ask him if he was ever going to sell it. I left my number, and he called back about a week later! We agreed upon a price of $225, and I drove it the two hour trip home without a problem.

This is one addicition I will never need a 12 step program for!


P.S. Now lets just hope the neighbors dont notice!

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I've become an addict, too, according to my wife. Everywhere we go, everytime there's a lull in the conversation, she claims I'm always talking about Subaru's. Maybe I am, but at least I'm happy :D.


I'll be happier when I've got a garage (heated, preferably), and some extra cash around so I can treat my Subaru as well as I'd like to. Incidentally, it means I've got to treat my wife and her car just as well, but it'll be worth every minute ;)

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I own 3 BRATs, all bought within the last 2 years.


The last 2 involved a road trip of over 350 miles one-way to meet with the Previous Owners, and purchase them.


Do I need another one, not really.

Will I buy another one, more than likely.

Do I want another one, HE Double hockey sticks yes!

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Dang, I don't feel so bad anymore. You guys got issues! :lol: Unfortunately, I wish I were in you guy's shoes. I own one Toyota that snuck in and two scoobies. I love my subarus! The Toyota Matrix doesn't seem to have any soul. I told my wife this and she just :rolleyes: Whateva! :D


I keep trying to make my slow scoobs do what they aren't supposed to be doing.....go fast.


"Yeah baby, that's it....talk to me, faster, FASTA"

" Scoob--WooaarrhhhhaaaaaHHHAAAahhhhaaaaHHH......spit..spit"

Me.....OMG (Not in a good way either). :(

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I am addicted no doubt. But I can only afford one. Mainly because of the mileage I do. 30 k miles a year, about half is work related, so I need "Scoobes" to be running all the time. My baby has never left me stranded, but keeping a 14 year old car runnning like new is a cosstly affair..


Still, when it runs like a new Sube, who can complain, right?

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Holy crap!!!


I just did a quick tally and figured you guys have a long way to go. I've been at it a little over 5 years now and figure it to be over 50!! with 8 on the property right now.


Parted, bought, repaired and resold, kept, modified and transformed.

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Woah Ken, you over ran me! In the last 6 years I've only had a little over 40. Some fixed and resold, some parted. Got my 4 keeps though, they'll never go away. Lotsa people look at me with envy when I tell them I have a Gen I and II brats, and an EA81 Coupe and an EA82 Coupe. There is a reason behind that though, his and hers :D The wife is almost as "el loco" as I am about Soobies (although half the time she won't admit it).

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Yep Paul we are all a lil Loco some more than others.


Aside from that my wife says the same things as Bard's wife does lol. But for me 6 years and total 7 Roo's and most at 1 time is 3 :banana::grin::drunk: .


91 2wd loyale wagon

78 FE coupe (I miss it all the time :( )

86 4wd 3sp auto wagon

87 4wd 3sp auto GL-10 Turbowagon (parts)

78 Brat

76 4wd wagon

00 Forester


In cronological order lol

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Originally posted by Adam N.D.J.

There is a reason behind that though, his and hers :D The wife is almost as "el loco" as I am about Soobies (although half the time she won't admit it).


You are SO lucky there. Mine just keeps saying I ought to pick up a new car.


Once I've got a Subaru in good enough shape that I can keep up with the rust, and enough cash to keep it in good shape mechanically, I'm hoping it'll change her mind. She already likes manual trannies, and it'd take a special set of circumstances for me to pick up an auto tranny now, after driving manual for the last nine months. If she sees what Subaru's are like when they're kept up, I'm hoping she'll be interested in 'em, too.


As it stands now, it's got her interested in new Subaru's... she just has a preconception when it comes to older cars in general, nothing against Subaru's specifically. Oh, well.


Oh... and I've only had 1 Subaru so far, but I have no garage, no yard, no driveway... and I've only been around 'em for nine months. Give some cash, space, and time, and I'll get a cluster of Subaru's together... or whatever we decided the plural ought to be :rolleyes:;)

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