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Dec 7th TSF *Now with PICS*


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So yeah. Who's up?

The 4x4 board is getting a little run together an I'm 99.99% gonna tag along.

They did one last weekend and had a blast.

What it's looking like:


Anyone who wants to wheel is welcome to as well.

Just so ya know it's a sloppy mess up there. So if ya don't have mud tires, bring lots of determination and a strap. :lol:

And no fear of smashed body panels, plenty of rocks where we'll be going.


I know this is on the same weekend as the HP tree run.

Not trying to take away from it. Just not feeling like driving 3 hours (takes me an hour to just get to and through Portland so I can head up that way) to drive up a snowy (or maybe not, the mountain here had most of it melt off. Looks like summer up there) road.


So I wanna keep my wheeling every weekend run going. I wheeled every sunday in November (and wed nights). Gotta do the same for December.

Last weekend sucked though. I didn't get out till about 3:30 and the trails up the mountain I tried to check out were closed off. So it was a mild evening of only getting to wheel the Lolo Pass stuff.


Normal meeting time is 9 am at the Shell station on Hwy6 before the turn for Brown's camp.




So it's 9 am SHARP at the Gales Creek Shell station. Just past the pond on the left on hwy 6.

Sometimes these guys run it on the dot so we could be already on the trails by 9:10. (I usually show up about 8:30 to be safe)


Scoobyclimbs called and is in.

Not 100% sure what the other rigs are gonna be. The guy that planned it has a Jeep and a Toyota he wheels. But says it's neither of those, he wants to break in a new rig.

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I'll be there!


I just finished my front skidplate/mated to the bashplate..bomber:banana:

Tommorrow I plan on doing my exhaust/muffler/raising the diff/plus axle seals.


Should be cool.

We are thinking we'll do all the Powerlines, Hogsback, Cedar Tree, some of the Archers, and maybe check out Firebreak 5.


Now we just gotta not show up late like we did last time. :rolleyes:

They hit the trails like 5 minutes before I got there. I plan on getting there earlythis time.

I'm gonna pack everything up tomarrow so all I gotta do is drag my butt out to the car sunday morning. :)


Oh yeah and plan on mud. If we gotta strap someone or something it could get sloppy on the feet.

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Should be cool.

We are thinking we'll do all the Powerlines, Hogsback, Cedar Tree, some of the Archers, and maybe check out Firebreak 5.



Oh yeah and plan on mud. If we gotta strap someone or something it could get sloppy on the feet.


Sounds kewl...Yeah I think HR grease ya slipped on will be there...:lol:

I'll be there early..8:30am

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Sounds kewl...Yeah I think HR grease ya slipped on will be there...:lol:

I'll be there early..8:30am


I get to fall in it again!!! :banana:



hahaha! When you have to break out the welder to put on new wiper blades....... you know you're working on my Soob.


I've always been missing one of the pins. Had to make one. Cotter pin was what the previous owner used to hold the pass side blade together. I didn't like that and it's too late to go find a new one. (I also didn't have the right size bolt around.)


Ready for tomarrow. :)

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Got back a little while ago.

Got a few pics. Really have to get a new camera.


Good day other than another broken axle on SC's hatch, FireBreak 5 is to blame for that. Gotta raise that diff some more. Still overextending on climbs when it squats down.


Was nice and sloppy out. :banana:


Going down an section of Archers. (I think it's part of the "rocky uphill" section)


One of the SORE4x4 guys going up the upper section of Hogsback.


All of us going into Hogsback.


SC doing a climb after his axle broke.


Group shot. Not a ton showed but 4 was actually a good number for some of the tighter trails when coming across oncoming rigs.


Grainy blown up shot of my bumper. Simple but effective. Rammed a tree on Hogsback with it and only damage was the square piece missing from the tree. :grin:


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Nice shots, looks like the rain went from OR to Northern Wa to day:)

That rocky part looks a little tricky, or real tricky.

The rear axle braking deal is the main reason I gave up wheelin my Brat. After five axles and one day with 4 of us going through 6 of them, we all ended up on the dark side.........Gen3's:eek::)




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Nice shots, looks like the rain went from OR to Northern Wa to day:)

That rocky part looks a little tricky, or real tricky.

The rear axle braking deal is the main reason I gave up wheelin my Brat. After five axles and one day with 4 of us going through 6 of them, we all ended up on the dark side.........Gen3's:eek::)






The rocky part was fun, second time I've been down that one. A little on the bumpy side but to me the more technical the better. Kinda slick today though.


Yeah I seem to be lucky. Been wheeling the crap out of mine with no broken axles. Put the welded diff in at the beginning of summer, don't even take them out on the street. But Scoobyclimbs has broken almost one every trip.

He'll get it sorted out though.

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hehe a few pics of the aftermath.

As slippery as it was sometimes a bump in the wrong spot was just how the hill was gonna throw ya. Now IU have some "frame" repair to do before the next outing. Which will proly be the SORE 4x4 Hangover run on the first up at Wildcat. I wanted to get out every weekend but I really need to work on it. (I almost never work on it,... it never breaks..... until now)

Gotta replace the fuel pump plug too. has started dying on me. Reach under it, unplug the pump and plug it back in, fires right up.


Anyway on the the fun stuff. :lol:


Found that sometimes you take home more than you thought. There was a bigger piece sticking out, but I tried to pull it out at the time and it broke off. Not leaking!



These are common. I'd share a pic of each one under the Soob, but I dont' think the gig SD card in my camera is enough. Some have even take away leg room. This one is new though.



Kinda bent the front subframe. I know right where it happened too. Going on after SC broke his axle and was winched up to a turnaround spot so he could go back down and meet us at the other end of the trail. I continued on and made one poor line choice. Made it through but got wood in my tire (it was a climb through some big roots and stumps with most the dirt inbetween washed out) and a "frame" rail that needs pulling out and beefing up. Gonna add some plate steel once it's pulled out. (That little bulge is not supposed to be there, and was not there before I went)





:grin: Good times.

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Perhaps it's time for limiting straps with those rancho shocks in the rear of the hatch?


referring to this post.:)


Actually it's not a droop problem. He has to unbolt the shocks and have an assistant stand on the suspension arm to get it down low enough to remove an axle. :-\ He needs bigger bumpstops not limiting straps. (Or just raise the diff some)


When he breaks them it's under full compression. The diff is hanging too low and when it squats down it overextends the axles. Plus he could hit the diff on flat ground if the suspension is compressed.

It's actually where he was told to put it but it breaks an axle every time out. I break none and we're hitting the same stuff. My diff is about 1 1/2" higher than the axles, welded. But under stress of climbs (when they break) when the suspension is compressing it levels out my axles, rather than extend them. I've been wheeling the same axles almost every weekend since spring on a welded diff and never take them out.


Thing is in that pic. The extended wheel proly has an axle that is only slightly angled down from straight across. And under those conditions you could have it taking the axle close to it's extended limit (still don't want the axle to be the limiting strap). There's no drive stress on it and little if any traction. So it won't break. When your getting on it on a hill climb or any other time the suspension is compressed and pushing the tire hard into the ground is when the axle needs to be level. That's when it get's stressed.



I saw the pics of your wagon in the rollcall. Nice. :)

Need a front bumper though.

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