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2002 Impreza OBW (81k) that we've had for about a week now.

My wife's car. We have (had) two Legacy OBWs ('96 & '99)... both keep their temp guage pegged their respective level once they're warmed up & do not move one iota....

the Impreza seems to warm up (not overheat at all) & then drop back down to normal... stays within acceptable range at all times but it does fluctuate.





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does not sound normal at all. probably a good idea to flush the coolant and fill properly with the right mix. keep in mind messing with EJ engines coolant can be frustrating. they easily get trapped air bubbles and overheat. there's a bleeder valve on top the radiator on most of them to facilitate letting air out while filling with coolant.


replacing the thermostat is easy too. use Subaru only on this part, the after market stuff is cheezeball and junk here.


by "pegged" he means reaches a certain point and never fluctuates from there.

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Pegged to me means at the end of its travel.


Assuming you mean the indicator stops at operating temp and never moves once there then you might need to have the thermostat replaced on the Impreza. I had an aftermarket thermostat make the temp rise above what I considered normal while driving at times and then return back to the normal. I replaced it with a genuine Subaru thermostat and it has been rock steady ever since.

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I tested the gauge once with my scanner and (this is approximate) the gauge was already at "normal", or just under the thermometer icon, at around 165-170 degrees F. and stayed there up to around 195 degrees F. Since that's the point where the thermostat has already began to open and the temp goes back down, I never saw the gauge going higher than normal.

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Original Poster here...

1. pegged meant: reaches full operating temp & stays there, no fluctuation.

B. I think the thermostat is my next step... unfortunately, I'm about 200 miles away right now & will be until after Christmas but! that'll be the first thing I do.

III. Having two other OBs (99 & 96) I am fully aware of the air in the coolant problem/challenge/concern/worry!

Hope it stays good until I get home again....

thanks folks.

You guys are wonderful! & I mean that in a good way.



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Blus temp gauge sits dead in the middle once it is warmed up, even when the scangauge may be showing a swing of 180-210 degrees. But the one time it did have an airbubble in it, the gauge did climb fast.


I would suspect the gauge if it went to max hot and stayed there, even with the car in ON but not running. If it has to be running to do that i would suspect the sending unit.



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Although, this car is unfamiliar to me & I'm not, currently, anywhere to inspect it, my wife assures me that the gauge doesn't go above the upper normal limit & always comes back down to lower normal level.

To me, it would seem like these fluctuations would be more indicative of the thermostat than the gauge. I would guess, based on the previous responses, that an inferior thermostat may just open more often or at a different time than the OEM. & I would check the sending unit as the alternate trouble maker.

I may get to inspect/change the thermostat this week as I MAY get a visit from my current wife... seems like a quick & easy resolve... if that's not it, the sending unit will be my next deal... just want to be extra cautious about the air in the coolant concern.

OK dokey...



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Start out cheap. Replace the T-stat with a factory one and replace the cap. Usually Tstat are not lazy at both ends of the temp scale. Usually its stuck closed or stuck open, or lazy to open, but i havent heard of one lazy to open and close.



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