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So i think i have the only brat in az?

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you are not the only brat in arizona. there are several. i used to live in arizona for awhile and i saw several and met a few people with them. There's a few in the general phoenix peoria area and i saw one or 2 in yuma. my avatar is from when i was stationed in yuma, arizona, a little over a year ago. but i was smart and moved back to where it actually snows some years... in general there are very little for old school subaru sightings in az.

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I have an '83 Brat I bought back in May and I'm in north Phoenix. So, you're not quite "I am Legend" status yet. There's still some around. I see them pop up local on craigslist from time to time also. I do understand your point of view though. Other than mine, I don't think I've seen a Brat on the road in years...



There are a couple pics of my Brat in this thread:




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While my 1980 BRAT isn't in AZ anymore (I just left Flag in May 08), there's another late gen 1 in Flag with sweet white racing stripes on it.... The guy is a friend of my friend, and he posted it to craigslist the day after I posted mine (for a little less $$ too), but I don't think he got a taker...

I saw another gen 1 in Flag with an EJ18 and 2 trannys in the bed a few years ago..


OOO, and I know of this other, white, cherry EA82 Brat with high-top shell... :slobber:

Man I wanted that one SOOO bad, but when I talked to the guy about it, turned out it beloged to his sister-in-law who'd passed away like 6 months earlier....

He wanted to get rid of it, but his wife was still attached... :(


Then I moved away. . .

Anyhoo, yeah you found out a good way to eek out the AZ brats by

posting here in the forum... You've got the good makings for an AZ brat community thread for the meet and greet!!


I miss Flag sometimes.....

But Moab's pretty cool too, and we got snow last night!!!


Good luck!

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Greetings, I live in Prescott. there are a few brats running around town. I still have my '78 but it is parked. My daily driver is an '87 brat. I am thinking about parking it for a while and redoing the front end, dics on the back, shocks...

I have two campers for it. Like to sell them. One is REAL nice and matches my '87 in color. (bergundy sp?) I am a carpenter and don't see me ever needing a shell.

Like to find a good dual range tranny, to mate to the '78. I already have the fat case bellhousing. Plan to keep the ea-71 in it as it is still strong, and is a jap inport with low miles. That brat is lifted, has 14's, a weber, a low roll bar, custom front bumper, and steering wheel was modified to a smaller size.

Later, Dave.

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  Bizangous said:
I have a very good friend in Flagstaff AZ with a Lifted GL.

Hey, is it Ted, with a recent EJ conversion?

I lived in Flag for about 6 years, but I don't remmebr seeing any lifted GLs :confused:


Is your friend or his GL new to Flag? I just left there this spring :-\

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