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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

EA series timing belt tools

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Ok...the tools to get from SUBARU are way overpriced or discontinued, so what are the options, inventions and ideas and sources for these tools? Does wood really work?

This information is fragmented throughout the board.


We all do belts at some point and these tools are really the best, "safest" way to do the job.


Main pulley holder Subaru # 499977000


Cam pulley holder Subaru # 499207100


Double cam holder for 2.5s


Are there other tools too?



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I used a ViseGrip chain wrench when I last replaced the timing belt on my 96 Brighton protecting the pulleys with scrap pieces of belt held by duct tape.

You can use the ViseGrip on the crank pulley as well as on the cam sprockets.

It's cheap and works perfectly. Moreover the short wrench handle can easily be made to catch on unmovable parts and permits you to work with both hands. The wrench holds by itself.

I see no advantage in using anything else.

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