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is the driveshaft and the cv the same thing because i had my rear driveshafts changed a few months ago but iv got a rattle coming from the back left wheel and mechanic says its my cv, i think he forgot he changed my drive shaft, my car is a 95 legacy wagon, auto transmission if transmission makes a difference i don't have a clue





Edited by mks64
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yes your car has both a drive shaft and cv axles in the rear. The drive shaft goes from the rear of the transmission to the rear differential, then the axles go from the differential to each wheel. In fact, I think there's two drive shafts back there right? One goes from the trans to a center carrier, then from there to the diff?


Well, at any rate, you have both drive shafts and cv's in the rear.


Good Luck



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yep, like will said you have both.


4 CV axles (also called drive axles or half shafts) - one from each wheel to the front/rear differential


1 Driveshaft - this is the long shaft from the rear of the trans to the rear differential


They are different. The terminology alone might be confusing you, sometimes hard to know what someone is talking about.


That being said "a rattle", sounds more like something is loose, like an exhaust part than a CV. Rear CV shafts almost never need replaced, that's bizarre to replace those. though maybe he was just avoiding replacing the boot and replaced the entire axle instead.

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