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Help me make a skidplate

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So, I guess my EA82 Loyale was supposed to have a skidplate from the factory... funny 'cause right now there's nothing but air below the oil pan, I had no clue a plate came with it. I work at an aircraft repair facility and we have all the resources to make one, including 1/4" steel plates that have been collecting dust on a corner, begging to be put to good use. I am already making a plate for my Forester, I got the measurements from someone, now I am considering making one for the Loyale too. Now, can someone do me a favor and send me a pic of the underbelly of an EA82 with the plate installed? I don't know exactly where this thing is supposed to bolt to. I'm going to fabricate a stand in beforehand out of cardboard, then measure the thing properly and then cut the steel piece. Measure twice, cut once...

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