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Oil in intake

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When I bought my Loyale I immediately noticed the air filter had some oil soaked on the element, and some pooled on the bottom of the filter box. I replaced the filter with a new one, and wiped the box, and all the air connection all the way to the throttle body. Most of the oil seems to be running from the breather hose attached to the intake to the box, as the TB had very little oil at all, just a light film.


Today I opened the filter box and noticed the brand new element started to show some oil too. None had soaked the element yet, but a little bit was pooled on the rubber lip of the filter. The air flow sensor showed a light bead of oil running down it, and the culprit breather hose shows more oil...


How can I remedy this? Can I just disconnect the breather hose from the intake hose and then use a catch can or breather filter on the hose? I would also plug the hole on the intake hose. What could be the cause of so much oil running back to the intake? This engine is not consuming much oil at all...


Oil coming from the breather hose



Oil in the intake hose



Bead of oil running down the sensor into the filter box


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Nipper is right, clean, clean, PCV valve, clean... repeat, also...


...if you still are feeling like you want to get rid of the blowby sludging back into your intake you could make or purchase a catch can. This is the set up I have in my '92 Loyale:






I plumbed this in and it will catch all of the blowby, hold the oil, but let the combustible gasses continue on into the intake. Works like a charm and easy to drain/maintain. Even passed DEQ with flying colors.

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