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Has any one upgraded there alt on there 1400

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Has any one upgraded there alternator on there 1400 to an higher charging unit? and what alt did you use. do you need to do much to make it work?

I was thinking i mite update mine, if i could find one that would fit and work :burnout:

My GSR can flatten the battery quite quickley.

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yea i mite see how much an new one is. my 1400 can flaten the battery in 2 hours with only stero and allarm on.

I dont no how long it would take with car running at nite with head lamps and heater on aswell as stero. When i did have all those running the lights did dim quite an bit so i switched the heater and stero off and froze lol :lol:

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just checked out in my manual for 1400. it says alt is an 35 amp one :eek: from 1975 they went to 50 amp.


when changing over to an bigger more powerful alt do you have to do much?

like is it an drop straight in job and plug in etc.

or do i have to add extra fuses or etc..


also found an alt of an leone. think its one off an 1600 leone

is this 50 amp?






also whats the highest amp alt can you get on an ea81/ea82 engined subaru?



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Be forewarned, the XT6 (your 6 cyl Alcyone)

is not a direct swap and requires pulley modifications

and mounting changes.

There is a write up in the USRM for this.


Plus these alternators all have internal voltage regulators.


You alt has an external regulator that also runs your fuel pump.

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Ive got another alt here some where of an 1800 na omega coupe. it maybe is an 60 or 65 amp one. I just got to find it.

so the 50 amp alt i got here off an 1600cc leone would have a internal voltage regulator?

I wont be using my spare XT6 alt i got. only have one spare and theres no other parts available for them over this side of the world.

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  Skip said:


Plus these alternators all have internal voltage regulators.


You alt has an external regulator that also runs your fuel pump.


so how do you go about making an internal voltage reg alt work on my one with external regulator work?

do you just remove the external regulator? and then what do i do about the part that runs the fuel pump. is that just hooked up to the alt?

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I'm possibly going to go this route also.


I read the entire post linked to bu subiemech and found

the Hondasucks article outlining this proceedure

is no longer available.


I went through the new USRM (the old one is not available)

saw the GM and the XT6

but not the

External to Internal VR swap.


Anybody have it "stashed"

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EA 81 alternaters are 50 amp thats what is refered to by the 50 in the label.

LR means internal regulator ,LT means external regulator.

You will fine they interchange with Datsun L series alternators as on 510 610 710 all zeds up to 280 and some others,all are hitachi and later ones are LR internal reg from early 80's on.

Another which interchanges are the 65 amp Mazda Rotary from RX4 and most likely bigger output on later RX7 models. cheers Steve

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