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86 subaru wagon gone crazy

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i left car at bosses house went to work in hawaii for 1 week came back. i had to jump start car. The rpms were all over the place. I tried to drive around block and noticed the voltage meter was jumping all over the place. then the windshield wipers came on by themselves the cd player started smoking and POOF cars dead. alternator? voltage regulator? any help would be great also i am kinda poor so cant get tested. Do u think it has a chance?

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i left car at bosses house went to work in hawaii for 1 week came back. i had to jump start car. The rpms were all over the place. I tried to drive around block and noticed the voltage meter was jumping all over the place. then the windshield wipers came on by themselves the cd player started smoking and POOF cars dead. alternator? voltage regulator? any help would be great also i am kinda poor so cant get tested. Do u think it has a chance?


Sounds like it needs an exorcist.

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Sounds to me like the voltage regulator

(which is internal i.e. inside the alternator)

went toast and cause the system voltage

to go too high.


Behind the battery mounted on the washer bottle is a black box

with three wires in it.


These are the fusible links.


They must be tested with a multimeter to see if

one is burned open.

You can not normally "see" the burned open link.


A alternator from a junkyard should be 25 dollars

a fusible link maybe free at the same junkyard.

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