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WTF " Gov regulates what we can make above Invoice"

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Hello ALL!

I just went Subee shoppong with the buddy. He was back in the market for another Forester. Yes, he did by an '09. as he was haggling....the sales rep said the following!!!! "The Government Regulates the Amount of Profit we can make over Invoice"!!!!

This IS a new one one me!!!!



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We are going to mark up any obscene amount and try to sucker you into thinking the goverment set it because they laoned the car industry a ton of money (even though it wasnt us they lent it to)"



WOuld be interesting to see what he said when you want to see that in wiriting.




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Hello ALL!

I just went Subee shoppong with the buddy. He was back in the market for another Forester. Yes, he did by an '09. as he was haggling....the sales rep said the following!!!! "The Government Regulates the Amount of Profit we can make over Invoice"!!!!

This IS a new one one me!!!!




... maybe in Soviet Russia. But here in Capitalist USA, profit regulates government.


This is where you take a rolled up newspaper and smack him on the head and say "no!... bad salesman, bad!"

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that would've immediately perked my interest if i were standing there. i would definitely have politely demanded to see proof. without proof one way or the other, its impossible to determine if its true. the gov't has been doing truely stupid and counterintuitive things for a long time now, and obviously (read: intentionally) at the expense of constitutional free-market capitalism...


and i'll stop myself there before i get another of my posts deleted.:rolleyes:

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Hello ALL!

I just went Subee shoppong with the buddy. He was back in the market for another Forester. Yes, he did by an '09. as he was haggling....the sales rep said the following!!!! "The Government Regulates the Amount of Profit we can make over Invoice"!!!!

This IS a new one one me!!!!




That is the worst salesman BS that I have ever heard! Anybody can sell anything at any price, even if it is at a loss. Been better to take a hike to another Subie dealership, or ask for another salesman.

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so when you are negotiating with a car salesman, does it strengthen or weaken your position to catch them in a lie?


do they then come clean and give a great deal, or tell another lie to cover their rump roast and talk delivery prep and undercoating?


Once trust is broken, trust is broken. Would make me wonder about what other lies they are willing to tell to sell a repair, a service, or a car.



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so when you are negotiating with a car salesman, does it strengthen or weaken your position to catch them in a lie?


It does neither to strengthen or weaken your position. A crooked salesman will continue tell you anything to close a deal with you to make a buck from you.




do they then come clean and give a great deal, or tell another lie to cover their rump roast and talk delivery prep and undercoating?


Not likely to come clean, very likely to tell another lie. Once a liar, alway a liar. Find another salesman, find another dealer.

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as for the notion of "demand to see it in writing or proof"....you'd be surprised what they "have in writing" in their vaults. they can pull out all sorts of "invoices" and "real invoices" and "this is the actual...."....but they are just fabricated marketing devices.


for those that say "they showed me an invoice", it wasn't an invoice. that's a sales move too.

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as for the notion of "demand to see it in writing or proof"....you'd be surprised what they "have in writing" in their vaults. they can pull out all sorts of "invoices" and "real invoices" and "this is the actual...."....but they are just fabricated marketing devices.


for those that say "they showed me an invoice", it wasn't an invoice. that's a sales move too.


which is exactly why i would want outside evidence, the code for the law/regulation. if he's citing a gov't regulation there would be record of this regulation in the database of whatever gov't agency allegedly imposed the regulation and you could easily find it or debunk it by looking up the code number. of course i wouldn't bother asking for paper proof from the dealership - get a code number, its that simple.


this whole thing is quite black and white once you pursue the truth from the third party and i can't figure out why eveyone is ranting about salesmen's ethics when it would be so easy to legitimately validate or (most likely) debunk his words. however unlikely it appears in this scenario, if the gov't really does impose a cost cap that's yet another severe violation of the almost forgotten Constitution of the United States and that's the only important issue here! the Constitution does not grant the gov't authority to interfere with free-market operation this way and its the duty of every American citizen to make sure they dont, including debunking rumors of such market abuses to be sure.


what's the name & location of this dealership and who was the salesman that made this claim? got a phone #?

Edited by mountaingoatgruff
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The location seems to be somewhere in Mass and I doubt that the salesman really cares if he broke the law by making a false claim. That said, we should probably do lunch some time. You are fairly close to me so I could meet out your way if you know a good place. Shoot me a PM/email if interested. I also happen to believe in that document that is so often ignored, and tainted by the pandering to special interests. . .

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The location seems to be somewhere in Mass and I doubt that the salesman really cares if he broke the law by making a false claim. That said, we should probably do lunch some time. You are fairly close to me so I could meet out your way if you know a good place. Shoot me a PM/email if interested. I also happen to believe in that document that is so often ignored, and tainted by the pandering to special interests. . .


i sent you a pm.

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if the gov't really does impose a cost cap that's yet another severe violation of the almost forgotten Constitution of the United States


Someone as forgotten about the wage and price controls imposed during the 1970's. It's coming round again soon comrade.


i haven't forgotten at all, the government's track record has been in the forefront of my mind for quite some time now. for those who haven't noticed - i pay close attention to politics and have a keen interest in living up to my constitutional obligations as a citizen for the sake of my son's future.


as the founding fathers put it:


"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."


"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."

-Thomas Jefferson


"Any society that would give up liberty to gain security deserves neither and will surely lose both."

-Benjamin Franklin


its not coming round again because it never went anywhere to begin with, the gov't plan to usurp the power of the people by slowly eroding contitutional conformity has been in place for almost as long as the very constitution they seek to undermine.


but getting back on topic - how 'bout that dealership's contact info, subeeted? i'd be happy to call and ask for the code their salesman refered to!!

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