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Hi Guy’s..

Any of you guys know what year this engine is.. I do know that it is a Subaru DOHC 2.5 and is a 1996 or newer, just not sure the correct Engine Specifications, HP, etc.. Can anyone help?


The Back of the Engine Case by the Flywheel have these numbers. 207494206503 and also 023752

The Top of the Engine is marked with AB8133223


Also I noticed that Subaru only seemed to use the DOHC 2.5 Engines from 1996-1999? With the engines HP estimated from 150- 165 in the later year Subeeeez’s Is this correct and why?


Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jon

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As I recall, if the 6th character in the VIN is a 4, then it is a 2.2. I don't remember exactly what the 2.5's number was, but if it's anything other than 4, it's a 2.5. I'm not 100% positive on that, but I think that's what my Hanes book says.



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Hope you found out what info you needed. I remember there was something about open and closed deck blocks, but I don't think it's crucial info unless you are doing a full engine overhaul :-p


PS, cgstrokes is right. The 6th digit in your VIN will be a "4" if it is a 2.2L engine, and a "6" if it is a 2.5L. The 10th digit in the VIN should be T to denote your model year.


To answer your 2nd question, they only used the 2.5 DOHC engine from 96-99, because a lot of those engines were found to have faulty head gaskets, and they would blow within 100k miles. I don't know why they decided to switch to a 2.5 SOHC head, probably wanted to repeat the sucess of the 2.2L SOHC. As far as performance numbers, the 2.5 DOHC produced around 165 HP, and I think the 2.5 SOHC produced similar numbers.

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Thanks Scooby..


I'm confussed.. The Engine is said to be a 2.5 and the numbers that I provided are from the Engine Cases it-self.. Another confussing item is that the Engine is a DOHC engine? So if the numbers and the research is correct and it is a 2.2 did Zoobe ever produce a 2.2 DOHC Engine in the mid to late 90's?

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I remember hearing that there was once a 2.2L DOHC, but I think it only went in the 22B Impreza in Japan, or another rare model. Can't remember! I think I need a drink to help:drunk:


Just out of curiousity, what are you driving? Is it a standard Legacy, or is it a Paul Hogan Special (Outback)?

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I have a old VW Bug with a Sube-eeeeee 2.2 engine Dyno’ed at 175 HP.. The baby screams, I can’t wait till I can get times in the ¼ mile this Spring. It's really sweet-ttttt. Still looking for idea’s to make the Engine Hotter. Gots any?


I was looking for another engine to build another Bug with, when someone local showed up with the said 2.5 DOHC.. I also have a 1987 Subaru GL 4x4 fastback but it recently broke the timing belt and now needs a pair of heads. Got any?

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I loaned the car to a Chic for awhile “was out of State” and she broke down and had the car towed to a garage the mechanic showed her the broken belt and said that it had to be replaced. She said OK do it. Then he couldn’t get the car running correctly and said there is something wrong with the heads? Not really sure, that’s just what I’m being told.. Any idea’s what could have gone broke? The car only has 50k on it and I would like to put it back on the road.. By the way what other Engines will work in this car. The current one is under powered “it’s an Automatic”

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If the repair was done by ANYONE OTHER than a Subie guy, then I would check the timing and/or belt install. I once broke down on the freeway after the car was running like crap. Just died, spark, but no go. I had recently had the t-belts changed while being stationed in the USMC, away from any good Subie shops. When I had it towed to a Subie dealership, the tech said the cam gear was on backwards! It had shreaded the belt on that side after about 500 miles. He had new belts on in 1/2 an hour and the mom and pop shop paid the bill. It was a 92 Loyale, 1.8. Man, I miss that car. After that, lesson learned. Only Subie people work on Subies well.

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Originally posted by OhChit

I have a old VW Bug with a Sube-eeeeee 2.2 engine Dyno’ed at 175 HP.

:slobber: :slobber: :slobber: :slobber: :slobber:


Talk to snotrocket, he's making one right now. But he was saying the VW tranny was rated only to 150 HP. Did you mod that too, or use something entirely different???

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Prepare to twist apart 3rd and 4th gear if you hammer it.


Other than that, and the possibility of blowing up the 2-spider gear differential, Sweet!

So you've driven it? How is it? Sick? I can't wait to get mine on the road. Thanks to these guys, I finally got the wiring straight and it runs. EJ22, stock motor.

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Originally posted by OhChit

I loaned the car to a Chic for awhile “was out of State” and she broke down and had the car towed to a garage the mechanic showed her the broken belt and said that it had to be replaced. She said OK do it. Then he couldn’t get the car running correctly and said there is something wrong with the heads? Not really sure, that’s just what I’m being told.. Any idea’s what could have gone broke? The car only has 50k on it and I would like to put it back on the road.. By the way what other Engines will work in this car. The current one is under powered “it’s an Automatic”


Chances are the dork put the belt on wrong. Its a noninterference engine, so there wouldn't be any damage simply because of the broken belt. if you are mechanically inclined, go buy a couple of new belts for it, search the old gen section of the board for the timing belt walkthrough and do it yourself.. its not hard if you can follow instructions(for some reason, shops can't follow instructions)


However, if she broke an accessory belt and the car overheated.. you may have a blown headgasket or cracked head to deal with.

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Dude. I just brought my Bug up 95 through Richmond Va. I could have stopped by.


Yes it run's Sweet-ttttttt and extreamly quick. I think you may be the guy that asked me a question about the wiring? Glade you got it stright, your enjoy it. And yes you will need to build the Transmission to hold the power. Mine has a Drag Trany in it and also upgraded Disc brakes that can stop it. I'm currently in the process of gearing up to put together another SubieBug. Best Engine in the world.

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