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Gauging Interest: Outback/Legacy 2nd/3rd Gen Front Skid Plates

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Hey guys,

Just trying to get a feel if there is enough interest in getting front skid plates made. I work with Rally Armor on these as they manufactur them and we sell them. They are willing to make skid plates for us for Legacy/Outbacks but need a firm commitment from 5 buyers before they start making them. Shoot me a PM/IM/E-mail if you would be interested. You can check out the WRX ones on http://AZPInstalls.com



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I still have a Primitive Racing 1/8" skid plate on my 99 outback and it has survived quite a beating. If you offroad your subie, you need something similar.


It's actually pretty nice on the road too, because the engine bay stays cleaner. I've even encountered a hydroplane effect when hitting deep puddles instead of the bog-down-and-break-something-going-under-water that usually happens.


Get a skid plate! For convenience I suggest one with a hole cut out near the oil pan drain bolt.

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Originally posted by remarcable


Get a skid plate! For convenience I suggest one with a hole cut out near the oil pan drain bolt.

Does a skid plat also cover the oil filters? WHAT about 1 gen legacy, all out legacys have oil pan dents from rocks when we have gone 2 tracking.

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Originally posted by wrxsubaru

Does a skid plat also cover the oil filters? WHAT about 1 gen legacy, all out legacys have oil pan dents from rocks when we have gone 2 tracking.


Have no fear! I'm picking up a '94 legacy shortly, once I get it we'll be working on a 1st gen one as well.



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