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timing belt help

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ok so i replaced the timing belts today in my 87 dl 4wd 1.8l carbed. put everything back together and now it doesnt want to acclereate at all. also i can hear it missing. i am thinking that the cam gears are not lined up right.


here is what i did. line up the flywheel with the middle mark of the 3 marks. i took the covers off, lossened both tensioners and took both belts off. lined the dot on the drivers side cam gear up with the notch on the plastic. put the new belt on keeping those marks lined up. loosened the tensioner bolt to put tension on the belt then tightend the bolt. then i turned the crank untill the mark on drivers side gear was pointing down (should the 3 marks on the flywheel be lined up again when i do this??) then lined up the passenger cam with the notch in the plastic and put put tension on that belt. and then put everything back together.


i have read the write-up by milesfox and thought i did everything right.



what would be the easiest and quickest way to fix this? do i have to do the complete job again? the reason i ask that is that the shop that i go to to work on my car is only open for 6 hours tomorrow.

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The center of the 3 marks is always the reference. With the flywheel at the mark, one cam chould have it's hole at the notch, up top. Turn the crank one revolution. The other cam should now have it's hole at the notch. The cams should be 180 degrees from each other.


You only have to adjust / re set the belt that doesn't match up.

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  DaveT said:
The center of the 3 marks is always the reference. With the flywheel at the mark, one cam chould have it's hole at the notch, up top. Turn the crank one revolution. The other cam should now have it's hole at the notch. The cams should be 180 degrees from each other.


You only have to adjust / re set the belt that doesn't match up.


ok thank you. so just to clarify. after you line one up, you turn the crank a full rotation till you line up the center mark on flywheel. correct?

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Take out your spark plugs and go through a few rotations of your crankshaft and check your cam positions with the center line matched up with the indicator. If that is correct, put a finger over the #1 plug hole while rotating the crankshaft and verify that you are getting compression when the distributor rotor points to #1 distribitor position at 20 d btdc. (Rotate engine in cw direction, when facing it.)

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