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I've done my research a bit...


I have a siezed tensioner pulley which pretty much has taken the spring with it, causing it not to work the waterpump correctly.


Had no idea so I drove a bit of miles on it, and bam I now have a leaking headgasket. When I look under the car, I have a very minute leak with the oil + coolant where it meets the pipe which takes it out the muffler.


So, would you agree this is a leaking headgasket? I want to make damn sure lol.


Heres some pics hopefully that can help...(more pics below)




(This is the accessory drive belt, and that tensioner is for the AC right?)

Heres the picture of the pulley which does not move, with the help of another member on these boards, plus some subaru techncial books I can say it's the tensioner, and it's only safe to assume the spring in it went--requiring atleast a new timing belt + tensioner fix. If it was just that, I'd say okay I'd fix it.


BUT, now I have the issue of possile coolant and oil combining, which of course means headgasket issue. Even with a minor headgasket leak, I still have the EJ25 engine which of course is Subarus' favorite engine of this time to be ridden with these issues- My luck lol.


The reason why I think the oil + coolant is combining, is because there is white smoke coming from the exhaust manifold of the engine.. :( and the oil and collant here are combined: (Plus you can see abit of the smoke, usually it's alot more worse then that!) After the car's been off for a while, I touched place where both exhaust pipes meet to come into one and it was brown with sweet stickyniess. so, Oil + coolant.






Heres the leak I saw on the ground this morning, after I left the car overnight in the spot.. :( sweet stickyness coolant....


So, is it safe to assume it's a leaking headgasket?

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I think you are going off the deep end too soon to worry about a bad HG. The bad water pump will cause coolant to leak and cause little puddles like in your photo. A small coolant leakage can flow and travel quite a bit from the source to show up on an exhaust manifold. Also, seems like all Subies with age and miles will leak some oil as both of mine do. A slight oil leak is not an indication of a bad HG. So seeing a bit of coolant and oil doesn't mandate a bad HG.


Did your car ever over heat prior to the bad water pump? Or has it ever over heated? If it were me, I would replace the T belt, water pump, tensioner, pulley, and a new radiator cap. That may be all the repairs you need to make. Suggest also, going to a spray wand car wash, and clean the motor thoroughly. Afterwards, keep an eye out for leaks. If you see any leakage, it will be a lot easier to find the source.


Remember the main indicator of a bad HG is engine over heating. I haven't read that you ever had that, unless it was caused only by the bad water pump. Hopefully, you shut down the motor quickly if you detected over heating.

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I think you are going off the deep end too soon to worry about a bad HG. The bad water pump will cause coolant to leak and cause little puddles like in your photo. A small coolant leakage can flow and travel quite a bit from the source to show up on an exhaust manifold. Also, seems like all Subies with age and miles will leak some oil as both of mine do. A slight oil leak is not an indication of a bad HG. So seeing a bit of coolant and oil doesn't mandate a bad HG.


Did your car ever over heat prior to the bad water pump? Or has it ever over heated? If it were me, I would replace the T belt, water pump, tensioner, pulley, and a new radiator cap. That may be all the repairs you need to make. Suggest also, going to a spray wand car wash, and clean the motor thoroughly. Afterwards, keep an eye out for leaks. If you see any leakage, it will be a lot easier to find the source.


Remember the main indicator of a bad HG is engine over heating. I haven't read that you ever had that, unless it was caused only by the bad water pump. Hopefully, you shut down the motor quickly if you detected over heating.


No idea if the subaru has previously overheated, I believed though the headgasket was worked on previously and so...it must've overheated a bit.


But, the thing is..is there anyway to tell if I should just replace the timing belt, water pump, tensioner, pulley, thermostat (one that fails in the open position) and radiator cap?


I really don't want to spend over 500$ as this here sound like it will cost me, if bam it really is the headgasket and bam I'm out 500$, and the car dies the next day.

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agreed on what he said. this doesn't sound like a head gasket to me. there's plenty of old oil on the car that could be mixing with the coolant as it leaks.


could be, but could be lots of other things. timing belts aren't hard to do at all, fix the belt and stuff and drive it and see what happens. if money is tight, then you do what you must.


drain your oil into an open container and see if there's coolant in it (good chance there isn't).

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The pulley in the 1st pic looks to me to be the ac pulley which has nothing to do with the water pump. The T-belt drives the waterpump which is under the t-belt cover and not seen in that pic at least by me. Does the overflow tank have bubbles in it when the motor is running? Bubbles are big trouble and indicate a bad HG. You say the HG's were changed, were the heads machined? If not that could be a problem especally if the motor overheated.

What year is the motor?

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First off. that pulley is the AC tensioner. Remove that belt for now. It has nothing to do with the timing belt or water pump. Leave the other belt on the alternator ands PS pump.



Does it overheat? Are you haveing to add coolant to the radiator? Are there any bubbles in the coolant? If the answer is *no* to all those questions then you don't have a headgasket issue.


I'll bet what you do have is both a leaking waterpump, and a leaking oil seal at a Cam, Crank or behind oil pump. Have you're timing belt done, with new seals and probably a new water pump while at it. $500-750 MAX. You could do it all yourself for about $250 in parts.


What ever you do, don't take it back to whoever told you that was the water pump belt, they obviously don't have a clue about Subys


Also, inspect you're heater core hoses, the leaking at the rear of the motor could be one of those hoses leaking too.

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