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The Beast is in for repairs again.

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Hey ya'll


Well, the Beast (my 87 GL Wagon w/my first lift) is back in the shop. About 2 months ago or so I began noticing a light grinding/clunk coming from the passenger front area, only when decellerating/braking. It has gotten progressively worse and worse, and today I decided it needs to be fixed. Today it sounded like a bulldozer scraping lavarock everytime I would let off the gas. This anomoly has had me stumped because Ive had the sound before about a year and a half ago but it was only when i used the brakes and it eventually went away. I have NOT replaced the brakes on this car since i got it, about 4 years ago. I also have NOT replaced the wheel bearings on this side yet, although I have done the Driver's side ones, at the time this side seemed fine so I didnt care(right before WCSS10). I HAVE however replaced the axle on this side twice, and this one needs replaced again (goin to EMPI this time). I plan on replacing the wheel bearingd, seals, axle, and brakes if necessary as I believe it is well overdue for these, and I will inspect it tomorrow (was too busy fixing the RX to drive while this one is down to look at it tonight). Im sure i will find the culprit, but right now I am stumped, it does NOT make any irregular noise during acceleration, but when coasting/braking it makes the most awful pulsating gringing noise. Im thinking axle/brakes/something's lose? What do you guys think it could be?


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i think it is the hetrimical diometer........thos ethings go out all the time.:)i would say loose caliper.yep, thats my guess,loose caliper.

any grooving on the rotor?cheers, rbian


Im gonna check tomorrow after work, but it is so odd that it doesnt make noise under acceleration, and it is loudest when coasting, it gets quieter when i hit the brakes but not much. The brakes looked good before WCSS10 (good enough for the trip there and back anyway, I kinda just forgot about them after the whole blew ANOTHER engine on the way home thing). Loose caliper does seem to make sense though. Hehe, should have a pool and make bets on what the problem could be... :drunk:


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Yes, when I go in to Triangle Auto (our true blue import auto store) the first thing I notice is the EMPI Volkswagen performance parts hangin on the wall :banana: I read a while back in a post from GD that the axles where like 50 bucks a piece but I priced them at $89 a pop, but thats what i payed for my "lifetime waranty" who-knows-where-its-from auto store axles, might as well buy quality if Im gonna drop that much cash at each wheel.


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Yes, when I go in to Triangle Auto (our true blue import auto store) the first thing I notice is the EMPI Volkswagen performance parts hangin on the wall :banana: I read a while back in a post from GD that the axles where like 50 bucks a piece but I priced them at $89 a pop, but thats what i payed for my "lifetime waranty" who-knows-where-its-from auto store axles, might as well buy quality if Im gonna drop that much cash at each wheel.




I'm not sure you can call EMPI quality. They are known for making MASS PRODUCED VW parts, not really high performance(unless you count the packaging)


Hope they work out, but I would go MWE

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Hey ya'll


Well, the Beast (my 87 GL Wagon w/my first lift) is back in the shop. About 2 months ago or so I began noticing a light grinding/clunk coming from the passenger front area, only when decellerating/braking. It has gotten progressively worse and worse, and today I decided it needs to be fixed. Today it sounded like a bulldozer scraping lavarock everytime I would let off the gas. This anomoly has had me stumped because Ive had the sound before about a year and a half ago but it was only when i used the brakes and it eventually went away. I have NOT replaced the brakes on this car since i got it, about 4 years ago. I also have NOT replaced the wheel bearings on this side yet, although I have done the Driver's side ones, at the time this side seemed fine so I didnt care(right before WCSS10). I HAVE however replaced the axle on this side twice, and this one needs replaced again (goin to EMPI this time). I plan on replacing the wheel bearingd, seals, axle, and brakes if necessary as I believe it is well overdue for these, and I will inspect it tomorrow (was too busy fixing the RX to drive while this one is down to look at it tonight). Im sure i will find the culprit, but right now I am stumped, it does NOT make any irregular noise during acceleration, but when coasting/braking it makes the most awful pulsating gringing noise. Im thinking axle/brakes/something's lose? What do you guys think it could be?



I just went through all this last week, I ended up replacing then wheel bearings, brakes, rotor, hub, strut, and I think that was it, well a fuel filter but that had nothing to do with the noise. If it sounds like a trian on the railroad track, that's what it is, sooner or later it will start to drive where it wants, thats an unsettling feeling.



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yeah thats pretty much why Im just replacing everything on that side that has anything to do with the moving parts in that area. Im gonna start takin it apart here in about 2 hours after I go order my new axle. My bearings, seals, and brakes will be in about 2:00 this afternoon. I need to keep up on my maintanence a bit better. I havent exactly taken care of the Beast like it deserves, its been a good car even if it has s**t on my more than once, those times were usually my fault.


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I got some front axles from cvaxles.com and put them in a month or so ago.. they were great to deal with and charged (i think) $90ish per axle. the CVJs and DOJs were super stiff when I got them.

My money's on a loose caliper .. if the bearings were that bad they'd make noise more often? Good luck!

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Well, i looked at it today, and learned a few things.


First, there was no pad left on my pass. side brakes. So thats where the grinding came from. The caliper was nice and tight, as were the wheel bearings and ball joint, and all the hardware. the only thing loose in the front end is my steering rack, which is worn out and has some play, but not much. My axle is shot, and the boot on the CV joint on my drivers side front axle appears to have torn within the last 2 days. So, I put my new pads on the front brakes (both sides) and took it for a drive, the grinding noise is pretty much gone, but the clunking is still there. I think it is the axle making the clunking, but I will find out when I replace my bearings and axle. For now I am ok with driving it.


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