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Wipers Don't Work

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I have an EA82 Wagon and the front wipers don't work. When I turn the switch to any position I don't hear any clicking. A test light proved that there is power to the motor when the switch is in any position, and my voltmeter says the motor should still work.


But there is no current in the green wire and i don't know if that is good or bad.


I checked fuses and they are fine.

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3 Easy Steps On My Wagon


1-Click wipers on

2-Punch Center Of Steering Wheel

3-Wipers Start


I will have to try that.


Edit: Doesn't work.


I ran a test light from the ground of the wiper motor to the negative battery terminal and it says that there is current passing through the motor. So i guess my next move is to get another wiper motor and plug it in and see what happens.


Does anyone have a wiring schematic of the wiper motor so I can figure out what the green wire does?

Edited by Markus56
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