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I find it funny

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That anyone in washington drives anything other then a subaru. Im suprised you all dont know eachother. When i was filling up the wifes minivan today a awd legacy pulled up. I thought about strikeing up a convorsation at the pump but my subaru is sittin nice and cozy in the garage. I wonder if washington folk just sit around talking subaru with other subaru people all day long since everyone in that state ownes one.

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Not everyone who owns one here is a true enthusiast, you have no idea how many people here in the lower valley drive Subarus who aren't on this board, I mean there are like 20 people from the valley on here max, and every other car on the road is a Outback or Impreza around here. Sad part is a lot of them dont even really know what they are driving, its just a car to them. Rigs get driven into the ground around my parts. I Do however enjoy the random conversations that usually start around my rig while Im fuelin up or stoppin at Mr.T's Auto or Triangle Auto :grin:


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:grin:Well if i saw your Beast at the pump id half to ask questions to:grin:


:lol: exactly


COINCIDENTALLY: I was introduced to this board by Jerry (Bratsrus1) because he saw the Beast (back before it was lifted, still flamed and tricked out lights n stuff) and stopped to ask if I was on the board, and then we shot the breeze for a while and here I be!


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I've noticed the same thing about people who live in the Northern Nevada/Lake Tahoe area. You can drive around in the summer and see all kinds of cars. But when you drive around neighborhoods, odds are there's a subie parked next to the house or in the garage. And during the winter, the other cars stay home.

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Like TheBeastIDrive said; most people just use them as cheap transportation. Not everyone is really into modding them, or even have that much brand loyalty. We see alot of them around here that just have low incomes, and use them as their cheap transport or a solid first car.


It's kinda like the motorcyclists waving at eachother thing. Just because we both are riding motorcycles; that doesn't mean that I need to wave at you!

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Actually its pretty hard to find a EA81 for sale in my area, they are all either junked, horded, or winter beaters. However occasionally a few good deals do come along. EA82s and early legacy are quite plentiful around here though, and can usually be had pretty cheap. I think the west side of the mountains has a lot more of the older subes due to the terrain.


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Here in my Country Subarus are Loved or Hated by People, not Mid Feelings...

People Who Love 'em, usually is due to knowing Something about Mechanics
(even with knowing Just the Basic Concepts) Also they Learned to Love 'em with Time, as Time Passes by and the Subie is Always Ready to go Anywhere...

Our Streets are Very Bad & Dangerous, not every car Survives and Last that Long like Subies do... They Seems to Last Forever, I Love to See those Old Sambar Pick Ups, Microbuses, Rexs, Justys, Leones, Loyales, even some FF1 Models Still Runnin' Good! ... Along New Imprezas, Legacys, foresters... etc ... 


Those Owners Love their Rides and their Features Like Hill Holder, the "Turn Lights Off when Engine is Off" etc... and they don't even think in sell them, never... Just like Me! :) I Love my "BumbleBeast"!

But People who Hates 'em here, are People who don't care anything about Mechanics and had suffer from the Bad Repair Shops we Have here, with Things like Timing Belts
(I Knew Someone who had three Months Tryin' to Start his EA82 after bad Timing Belts Job in a Repair Shop, I Helped Him with the Great MilesFox Writeup) or Bad CV Joins, or the T.O.D. Sound... The Main Reason to Hate 'em Here, is the Mechanic Ignorance at Repair Shops... I've Helped Lots of People to Fix their Subies ... :) ... Then They Like 'em Again.

Seems Like There is a Thin Line Between Love and Hate for Subies Here...


So sadly, Subarus are slowly disappearing, fading away from Honduras; due to this Problem:


~► http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/118040-subaru-is-loosing-dealership-support-on-central-america/?hl=%2Bloosing+%2Bdealership

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
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I picked up my 87 hatch with 125k on it for $100 it had no reverse. I found it on craigslist and then got an AT to replace the old one for $45. I am now into it around $200. there are tons of cheap subies around Portland. But yes everyone drives them, they love 'em, but they aren't fanatical about them.

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