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30,000 Mile Checkup {2000 Forester}

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I need some suggestions on a 30,000 mile checkup on my 2000 Forester L.


Here's what I'm going to have done:

1. Oil change (5W30 dino), lube, filter.

2. 4 wheel alignment

3. Change antifreeze

4. Replace fuel filter

5. Check all fluids and hoses (esp. the differental fluids)

6. Check timing belt


I believe Subaru suggests a change of brake fluid. Should this really be done ?


Are there any other items I'm missing ?


Thanks for your help !





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Originally posted by howards11

I need some suggestions on a 30,000 mile checkup on my 2000 Forester L.


Here's what I'm going to have done:

1. Oil change (5W30 dino), lube, filter.

2. 4 wheel alignment

3. Change antifreeze

4. Replace fuel filter

5. Check all fluids and hoses (esp. the differental fluids)

6. Check timing belt


I believe Subaru suggests a change of brake fluid. Should this really be done ?


Are there any other items I'm missing ?


Thanks for your help !






Shoot me an e-mail, we are relatively close, might be worth the drive up to our place for some TLC.



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Originally posted by howards11

I need some suggestions on a 30,000 mile checkup on my 2000 Forester L.


Here's what I'm going to have done:

1. Oil change (5W30 dino), lube, filter.

2. 4 wheel alignment

3. Change antifreeze

4. Replace fuel filter

5. Check all fluids and hoses (esp. the differental fluids)

6. Check timing belt


I believe Subaru suggests a change of brake fluid. Should this really be done ?


Are there any other items I'm missing ?


Thanks for your help !






Also change air filter and PCV valve. Have the brakes dissasembled and the slides lubricated. Lubricate the door hinges. Definately have the brake fluid changed with that many years and only 30k miles. Change the tranny fluid (and filter if auto) and differential fluids. I think checking the timing belt at 30k is a waste of time.

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Not to dissuade you from an alignment, but my ’91 never been aligned and exhibits no irregular or fast tire wear. Ask the service manager to look at your tires and tell you if and why you need an alignment. Lothar34 suggested a rotation which should be performed every 5-6K miles and may be more important IF you are not having a tire wear problem.

By the way, replace the brake fluid. It will save you problems with component corrosion in the long run.

Air filters and plugs are probably 30K items too.

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Car was purchased in May, 2003 with about 25,000 miles.


Tire rotation: Tires were replaced around Xmas.


The 4 wheel alignment is being done because on the Friday after Thanksgiving I was rear ended @ about 20-25 mi. The Pontiac Bonneville that hit me slid under the Forester and wiped out the exhaust system along with some body damage to the hatch and bumper.

My body shop guy told me that the wheel alignment was off a tad but the insurance company would not pay for it. This is the first opportunity I have had to take the car in for it.


90% of the driving I do is city driving.




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