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Broken headlight adjuster sockets?

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Thread edit: ordered the parts. Send me a message if you want one (or 3).

I'm using 5-6 and keeping 3 spares, so I'll have at least 6 left over (need 3 per side, 6 for both headlights).


This post was about the little nylon ball sockets that go in Subaru headlight adjusters (at least for mid-90s Legacies; assume that other vintages are the same). I found the part under a Toyota listing (11x12.5 mm ball socket). They often break, and it's impossible to properly adjust the headlights if they're not working- especially the sockets for the fixed pivots.

Edited by wondercow2
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  • 7 years later...

Looking for exactly the part you described. Do you have a part number or suppler you ordered from?

Google turned this up: http://teloshop.com/p/119990/m11x125-hole-headlamp-adjuster-nut-15-count.html


I will look around, I think I still have some that I am never going to use - happy to mail them to you. Send me your address via private message.

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