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83 suby won't start

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My 83 seems to be hexed. it will start and run fine when it wants,then with a loud click under hood it shuts down. No spark from coil and fuel pump does'nt seem to run. Have tried different coil, disty and module, and fuel shut off module, all to no avail. It will still have power to both sides of coil, and will crank, but will not start or have spark or fuel. Any suggestions as to my problem?

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The fuel pump will not operate unless the engine is turning it receives its signal from the coil. Are you using the correct coil for your disty? Have someone crank it with the disty cap off and make sure everything is spinning correctly in there.

You have power at the coil, but you still get no spark correct? Does the tach move when you are cranking it?

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