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Oil Filter rubbing!!?!!?!

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So, tonight at work I notice I'm dripping some oil. Well, I look down and don't see anything unusual so I look under the car. My darn oil filter is rubbing on the electric fan bracket. What the heck could have caused this? The radiator hasn't moved. I;m thinking the tranny mounts? Maybe they went bad allowing the engine to tilt up? Not sure. Anyways, just out of curiosity I was online looking up parts, No listing for tranny mounts? ODD.... 1992 Loyale 5spd S/R.

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Are you sure the rad hasn't slipped from its lower mounts, or that the mounts haven't deteriorated enough to allow movement? I've seen this happen twice on different cars. One time, it did exactly what you describe and rubbed a hole in the oil filter. The other time, the rad came back into the belt-driven fan, which chewed up the rad.

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I'm going to go check that here in a few minutes. I just put the engine back in and than the rad. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Although when I pulled the rad out, there was no lower mounts. Just the two screws on the top the were holding it up. Oh, it did rub a hole in the filter.:eek:

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Thank you all for your input! Seems as though when I put the engine back in and than the radiator I wasn't paying attention or something. The rad wasn't put all the way in the lower area. I unbolted it than got it into the correct place. Well, off to the store for some oil and a new filter. Shawn, were you by any chance in Colorado Springs over the summer at the pick and pull yard?

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