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Looks like Subaru's evil overlord isnt so evil


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According to the article, it is going to be rear wheel drive. Why would they do that? The last rear wheel drive car I owned was a Dodge dart. I would never own another rear wheel drive.


Because its supposed to be a cheap RWD sporty car. RWD is actually cheaper to build then FWD, and it does have its advantages.





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From the March 2009 Motortrend page 12-13 under title

"It's not just Detroit, If Toyota's losing money, what about Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru, and Suzuki?"


............. "Subaru having lost its connection with GM, is also "dicey," a source says. The Toyota connection will help keep it viable, which means, potentially, future Subie models powered with something OTHER THAN horizonally opposed engines. The proposed joint venture sport coupe (with Toyota) is on hold however."...............


There would be alot of Subie faithfully that would be very P'ed off if they started putting I 4 engines instead of the flat 4.:-\

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