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Primitive Racing Rally School moves to California


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Primitive's Rally School will take place in Vallejo, CA on March 27-29.


Check for details at http://www.writerguy.com/primitive/


A must for TSD, RallyX, and beginning Stage Rally competition. I've enrolled in the school in Hillsboro and it's the most fun you can have for the bucks (check out the cost for some of the other driving schools...this one is a bargain!). Early registration can save you some more.

Edited by edrach
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If you haven't signed up yet, hop to it! This is an intense school with LOTS of seat time. It is not uncommon for students to complain about being tired after all the run time we give them. Good stuff regardless of whether or not you want to Stage, RX or TSD.


Remember, the School IS worth coefficient points and all the fun a body should have over a weekend. You won't regret going.


If you have any thoughts about attending but are unsure or have questions, just PM, IM, Email or Call and ask. We are here to help.



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