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Camels. Not off topic.

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Imagine what it must smell like in there! I replaced the carpet in my wagon because it was trashed, there was a soda cup and stra perminantly fused to the floor in the back which was coverd by a rug. The back seat had been stripped to its metal frame. While replacing the carpet in my wagon I found 3 dogs worth of hair cigarette packs from the 1980's, recipts, $15.00 worth of change pens etc... When you see something like this it makes you wonder what could have gone on in a 27 year old car to bring it to such condition.

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I know when I transport camels I have had to add a block to the rear springs, upgrade the brakes and use a pressure washer to clean the interior...


the thing I really hate is when they spit on the inside of the windshield as I'm driving

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