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Ah, Subaru owner's manuals, a never ending source of contraversy. First, can we all agree that the '06 Forester has the 4EAT automatic transmission (AT)? I assume that the 5EAT is the five speed AT.

The '06 Forester Owner's Manual specifies Type-HP AT fluid, and warns that using other AT fluid could ruin the transmission.


Can you use Dextron in the Forester '06 4EAT? I have read that the Type-HP AT fluid MUST be used in the 5EAT. I have also read that the Type-HP AT fluid MAY be used in the '06 4EAT, but it isn't really required. I've read a couple of posts where a 5EAT AT was destroyed by using Dextron in it.


So, bottom line, can I use Dextron in my '06 4EAT, or must I use the Type-HP? A definitive answer based on first hand knowledge would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks


Naturally, the almost impossible to obtain Type-HP ATF is very, very expensive at the local Suby dealer.

Edited by The Dude
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It is true the Subaru 5EAT takes a special kind of fluid....Subaru determines the difference in fluid between the 4EAT and 5EAT in the color of the bottle (at least thats how i remember it)...The 5EAT must have the fluid in the Grey bottle...as where the 4EAT can either use the fluid in the white bottle or grey bottle....But yes your forester should have the 4EAT...1 Way to tell is the drain plug on the trans pan...if its the old style 17mm bolt...its the 4EAT...I believe the 5EAT's use a Torx bit for the drain plug....

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"Look in the owner's manual" is not a useful response. I know that for me the trouble is this (I own an '05 Baja with the 4EAT):


1) Dexron III is no longer licensed, and therefore one cannot be assured that they're getting what Dex-III was when it was still being produced (many marketers changed their product formulation (cheaper) when the licenses expired),


2) Dexron VI is a considerably thinner viscosity than the older Dex specs were. The older Dex specs normally sheared down to about what Dex VI starts as, though,


3) I have not found anyone who is willing to say what the viscosity of Subaru's HP ATF is, but I believe it is similar to the older Dex III fluids,


4) I have no information about whether the HP ATF shears down like the older Dex specs did (Dex VI is quite a stable fluid),


5) NO ONE is willing to say how the friction characteristics of Dex VI and Subaru HP ATF compare,


6) GM (designer and licensor of the Dexron specifications) says to use Dexron VI to replace any older Dexron fluid spec,


7) Subaru says to use their HP ATF in older transmissions.


See how #6 and #7 are in conflict? Especially with #1 - 5 in mind?

Edited by bulwnkl
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I get to answer my own question, maybe. I spoke to a mechanic at the local Suby dealership today. He said that several clutches had been changed on the 4EAT starting with the '06 model. The new clutches allegedly require the Type-HP AT fluid.


In any event, the Subaru dealer is the only game in town for the Type-HP AT fliud . The Castrol Transmax J and Pennzoil ATF-J listed in the owner's manual are NOT available in the United States. I got clipped for $9.95 per quart for the Type-HP AT fluid at dealership this morning.

Edited by The Dude
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Really isn't that terrible price wise. You are buying a genuine Subaru product for an expensive AWD electronic trans at a price similar to Synthetic motor oil.

Properly maintained, your car calls for a 4 quart drain and fill every 30K miles and its only 40 bucks.


And yes it requires that fluid and its because of the clutches and a couple of special solenoids and parts in the valve body that require it.

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