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Originally posted by SVX JET

Does anyone know where I can find the HP / Torque curves for a stock EG 33? I have just fitted on into a jetboat and want to know what power i'm producing at 3200rpm.




I've not any charts, but I'm sure at 3200 rpm you're a long way from peak power output. You are most likely close to peak torque at 3200 rpm, however. Have a look around the web...there should be a number of SVX enthusiast sites.


Mind posting some pictures of this monster?

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Originally posted by SVX JET

I want to get it up to 5000rpm, approx half way between the peak torque and peak HP.


Here's a pic.


For more pics check out http://www.nzjetboating.com/yabbse/index.php?board=3;action=display;threadid=537


There's a fair bit of BS to wade through but a heap of pics too. :D


The blue paint looks great!


I see you've no pulley at the (front) end of the crankshaft. How are you driving your accessories?


Is that the stock intake manifold?

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Originally posted by myles

Are the parasitic losses due to friction in the drivetrain _that_ high, or does the dyno. "read low"?


Makes me wonder how much (little) my Legacy puts to the ground.


You loose a fair amount through the AWD.....however that dyno does seem a little low. It can depend on the type of dyno that was used as well.

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