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Unable to reset/clean ECU codes....

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Hi everyone,

i'm having trouble cleaning the error coder from the ECu...i've tried to disconnect the battery for more then 30 min but no success.. however if i'm using the dynamic mode (the green connector) to read the codes i'm getting only one error code, when reading the read memory i'm getting the whole history of codes that occurred by now - about 15... one of the 15 is the water temperature sensor which i have already replaced and is working fine now..so after disconnecting the negative that one should have been gone..still am getting the whole list again and again..

any idea will be really appreciated?

thank you

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Disconnectg the green connectors. Also make sure you are not using a memory saver when trying to clear codes (I know that sounds silly, but I know people that have done that, and it wasn't me:)) Disconnect the positive cable and leave it disconnected for about 15 minutes. This works for me every time. Good luck:)

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Plug in BOTH sets of connectors. Rev engine over 2000 for 40 seconds or more. Drive it more than 1 mph back then forward. CEL light will stop flashing and come on solid when done. This is the "clear memory" mode. If it flashes a code still, then that code is still active and won't clear.


Should clear all codes.

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I've got them to reset by disconncting both battery cables and then grounding them together with a pair of vice grips and let them sit for 5 minutes


Also try starting the car and plugging both black and green connectors together let it run for a minute, shut car off unplug both connections.


I Did this yesterday on a 1989 Legacy and it also works on my 1987 SPFI wagon.

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well i've disconnected the positive battery cable and let the car sit for 1 day but still check engine is on after i have restart the car...i'm taking the car tonight for a trip and i'll drive it with bot connectors on to clean up the codes.. ..while checking the codes in dynamic mode only the knock sensor came out , which i had replaced being damaged...so..normally there should be no codes anymore.. my legacy is a 92 sedan turbo manual... to answer to all questions...

i'll post tomorrow the results

thanks for all the replays

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ok...after the ride last night things are 100% unchanged...what bothers me is the fact that i have replaced the knock sensor and still when i've checked the codes with the green connector plugged i've got the same error code...

how ever after disconnecting the green connectors -and let the car rest for about 2 hrs- while driving back i've noticed the check engine light going on and off ...before was solid all the time.... i do have also an 94 SVX and i'm getting same kind of notification only that for this car i know it is the oxygen sensor that's responsible for it...

i also do know that the legacy doesn't have the original catalytic converter anymore...has a high flow one and i don't remember seeing any O2 sensor on it... so if the original cat comes with an oxygen sensor and that's the one responsible for error codes then ...is there any other way to get a real engine diagnose ??

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ok...after the ride last night things are 100% unchanged...what bothers me is the fact that i have replaced the knock sensor and still when i've checked the codes with the green connector plugged i've got the same error code...


Not all engine codes are failed sensors.


You may have a problem in the circuit.


Or....you may have a problem with knocking in you're engine from some mechanical problem. A little piston slap could be setting of the knock sensor,...or something worse.....no way to tell till you rule out the circuit for trouble.


If it is not electrical, and you are still getting a persistent code, ghetto fix is to bolt it to the open hole on top of the bell housing, further up and away from crank.

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