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help me with my idle issue PLEASE!

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Hey guys. I am going mad with this idle issue on my 94 SS. Everything is making me paranoid ( is that the word I am looking for? ) After I did my timing belt, water pump etc. I have been paying attention to how long the fans run for. They seem like after driving around for more then 10 minutes, they stay on for more then a few minutes when I stop. I do not recall this before, then again never really payed attention. Car isn't overheating at all either.


Just seems odd and i see my idle likes to rise sometimes to almost 1k. Then goes back to the middle at 500rpm. Then creeps up again. It is REALLY annoying for me. Also when I start it warm, seems like something is wrong. The rpm's bounce up and down and the engine shakes noticeably. I replaced the coolant temp sensor, but it is still the EXACT same. What really bothers me, is I bought a non OEM sensor like a idiot. Said made in italy, but I REALLY wanted to try it. I tested it with a meter the readings were like a OEM sensor should be.


Other things to mention. Recently things I tried. IAC cleaner down the IAC tube, plugs, and wires. Already seafoamed the motor as well. Also it won't do this, unless I have been driving around for a while. Not sure if low voltage could be the issue as well? At night my lights get noticeable dim so they are probably at the 11v range need to confirm tomorrow when it is at idle. Could the ecu be telling the iac to let the motor rev a bit higher to compensate? I am going to try a new battery and clean the contacts I am thinking. Any other ideas? Thanks!!!!

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tried more cleaner down the iac didnt work. Cleaned the battery terminals didnt work either. The only time it seems to do the high idle is when i get near boost. I think i am going to get the iac and manifold gaskets. Going to clean everything and hopefully it will be fine. I suspect something leaking because i find it unusual i can hear the turbo with all stock intake. Also notice something leaking oil under the manifold. Leak after leak.....

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longest i have tried waiting is like 5 minutes. Anything that could have gotten clogged because of stop leak? I flushed out everything as best i could with water and compressed air. I had to remove the coolant tank and clean out the crap from lower line was plugged solid but didnt go past the hose everything seemed to flushed out as water flowed through everything. When i removed the coolant temp sensor should there have been alot of coolant coming out? I am thinking maybe something was still clogged but i dont experience any overheating.

Edited by ericem
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Did you install a new OEM thermostat when you replaced the H20 pump and t-belt?...personally i would wait for the car to get up to operating temp (according to your dash gauge) and the fans to come on....and than see if they turn off....If they dont turn off....and your 100% sure youve properly purged the system of air...i would look into either a stuck thermostat or clogged radiator...but you said you had clear water flowing out of the radiator so my bet is you have a stuck thermostat...also make sure the upper and lower hoses are hot....How many miles are on this vehicle?

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I replaced, alot of hoses for the cooling system. Did the water pump, thermostat. To be honest I do not recall the idle before. I think right now I am paying attention to it alot more then before. Now I am noticing oil under the intake which is really bothering me. Not sure what I should do? It drives pretty nice, just oil leak after oil leak.

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