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Help w/ my 92 Loyale?

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While driving the other night, i stepped on the gas and had nothing. I never lost (battery) power, but the engine just died... quietly and seemlessly... nothing... car will crank but not turnover, but lights and electric still worked fine.


my first thought is timing belt. If a timing belt goes on a Sub is the engine dead for good? Or does it just go on it's way until you install a new belt?


Then again, i don't know that is what the problem is at all..


In other words, is my car going to it's grave? :-\


Any advice or thoughts are greatly appreciated?


Thanks all



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If you broke the drivers side timing belt the car will just stop. I would first check to see if that is what happened. Pull the cover on that side and I will bet you that the belt is broken. The other way to check it is to pull the cistributor car and crank the motor. If the rotor dosen't move you have a broken belt. Repalce the two belts and you will be good to go. this is a non-interference motor so you won't damage any internals by breaking the belt.


Good Luck

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