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Could use some help with identification

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I guess it was a year or so ago that I was driving around and saw an old blue Subaru coupe being towed that I needed to find out the model. What made it stand out was the fact that on the fender it had a chrome and black badge in a script font that read "front wheel drive". So I went home, used google, craigslist, eBay and various other devices to try and find out more about it.


Then last summer at the WCSS 10, I briefly talked with a man who had a brown hatchback Subaru (my guess was late 70s) that had the same badge on it. So again, google, craigslist, eBay gave me no more information on what years and models this badge came on. The guy from the car show mention that it was available on the GL model, still no luck.


So because I do not own a Subaru, but I desperately want to find one of those badges, I come to you with a recommendation through nasioc. If someone could help me out with finding the model and years that you could get this on, it would be greatly appreciated.


Or, if you want to make my day. If you have one of the badges and want to sell it, name your price.


EDIT: Just did a bit more looking around and somehow got lucky. I believe that this is it on the front fender there right below the trim.



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Guys,I'm going to send pooparoo one of those sets from the 1975 "Four Wheel Drive" .... just give me a little more time. And I need to make an order for him too.


So to the original poster - I have one or two of those in fair condition. I'll do my best to locate one soon. There's one on my 4WD wagon that obviously does not belong there so maybe I'll snag that one for you.


PM coming ...don't move :eek:

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