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Anybody have a look inside the F/T center diff?

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I’ve got some pictures of the assembled center diff unit but I’m trying to completely understand it (without tearing my RX apart). Anybody disassembled one? Got pics? Or maybe someone has a scan of an exploded view from the FSM?




My biggest question at this point is about the output to the rear. The transfer gear looks to be mounted to the outer housing and if so the whole housing must be connected to the rear side gear. Anyway, if you have played with one or torn one down maybe you can fill me in.


Edited by All_talk
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Thanks for the link, lots of good info and pics there.


I still not sure if the transfer gear is on a hub that comes through the housing thats bolted together or turns with it.


Also, dose anybody have a picture of a pinion shaft by itself out of the gear stack? F/T, P/T or EJ should show what I'm looking for. I'm wondering how the smaller splined end that drives out of the diff is connected to the pinion shaft, it looks to be a sleeve.


To know if my crazy plan has any hope I think I'm going to have to buy a spare F/T EA box and a gen 1 EJ box and tear them down (I'm not going to rip the trans outta my RX or my T-Leg on a recon mission).

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Gary, I have an 88 XT FSM that includes FT4WD trannies. However, my scanner is driver-challenged, and my mind is a little too fuzzy to catch what info you need.


Is that a picture you took (and thus you having the part to look at), or a picture that you found and are trying to analyze?

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OK, my rereading your posts helped me unfuzz a little. The transfer gear is part of the rotating case. The hollow driven-shaft (tranny output) drives the center-diffs pinion shaft (to which the pinion gears are mounted), the front-diff's pinion's looong quill shaft spines into the rearmost side gear, and the front-most side gear is part of the "case" that is bolted around all the pinion stuff and holds it together.


Does this help? FSM will remain open to this diagram.





BTW, the left side of the picture is the rearmost part of the center-diff.

Edited by NorthWet
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Hey Pat, Looong time no type.


Thanks for the info, what you described is what I was thinking. Do you recall if the side gear for the rear is part of the flange section (with the through holes for the bolts) or part of the housing section (with the tapped holes).



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