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Passed NJ Emissions! Failed Inspection...

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I am happier than a pig in sh*#! The old girl passed emissions with zero ppm to spare; the HC value was exactly the cut-off limit... :banana::headbang::banana::headbang:

For the past two weeks I've been adjusting the idle mixture & idle speed screws to get the best combo. Filled her up with 93 octane, added some Seafoam to the gas tank, and gave her fresh oil. In Salem County NJ, the inspections go by appointments, so I ran her for about an hour prior to showing up - got her nice and hot.

While hot, and before pulling in, I adjusted the idle speed to hover at slightly below 1000 rpm...

I was nervous as hell. I wasn't sure if the old girl would start back up once the tech jumped in to do his thing... but she did, not once, but four different times!

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, then they took off the gas tank cap to pressure test it... the cap failed! I felt like saying "I'll be right back...", but no worries... got a new GT cap already and got a follow-up appointment on Monday. The best part is if I go back within 45 days, all they do is check the cap, not re-perform the whole inspection!


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whooohooo!!!!! Its a good feeling huh?? Isnt it funny how they will fail it on a stupid gas cap??? I usually try to put a new one on before emmissions ..just cause.


Congrats!!!! Soon we will be planning another Barrens Meet so you will have to bring it now

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I was pissed i couldn't make it out to the last barrens meet...

I'm thinkin of going to Carlisle though... :)



DOOOO EEETT!!! we need more entries...plus its alot of fun...and if you cheap like some of us..camp there. We should have extra space

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Running it by the wife tonight for financial reasons... if she's cool with it, I will register tonight!

Roughly 2.5 hr drive?, I think the Soob can handle it...

Is there going to be a Soob-caravan heading out there?

When are you heading out?

Can I just pop a tent up, or do I have to pay the $15 for a campsite?

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If we like you ( hehehe) you can just pop a tent up with our groupe..2 of us already paid for a sight and we know as a fact you can fit easily 3 or 4 tents per sight .


There are those of us who drive further the 2.5 hours ..its about 4 or so for me. Looks like I will be meeting up with njdrsubaru in Jersey and going with him on Friday..Most people show up Sat though

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So I got the thumbs-up from my better-half :banana:


I got hammered on my taxes and am much poorer now :mad:. I will most likely sign-up/register in a week or so. but I am worried about the trip out there with my 84 GL. I think I'm gonna try to recruit a chase-vehicle, maybe my bro-in-law... if that doesn't workout, then I may have to chase your Soobs out there...


Cool offer for the shared camping! Thanks! I'm a nice guy, I swear! :grin:

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