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Ok- maybe I'm jealous because I didn't get to it first, but this is the darndest thing I've ever seen in a car for sale in online classifieds. Last Thursday a seller in a nearby town offered a '95 Impreza L 2.2 for $300 with light left front damage but drivable (I wanted the engine). It was snapped up within an hour by someone who re-listed it in the same classifieds THE NEXT DAY using the SAME picture for $550. NO work had been done, but of course the seller was able to give lots of details about the maintenance history! TODAY the same car was relisted again by a THIRD seller in the same classifieds for $1100! This genius at least used a different picture, but it's the SAME car, again with no repairs done on the damage. Seller says it's an "original title" car, whatever that means. If this Impreza keeps appreciating exponentially every day, pretty soon it will be the most valuable Suby on the planet!

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Yes, that is a whole lot of crazy. With that super quick turn around time for resell, there is no way that the subsequent owners could have retitled the car. Here in Indiana, that is called "jumping the title," which is very illegal. The state wants to collect on vehicle registration fees and sales tax. I have to think it is prolly illegal in all U.S. states. Go figure!

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In Utah, where this is taking place, you can reassign a title when selling without re-titling it-- twice on the original title and any number of times with a title reassignment addendum. I've bought cars that had two extra PAGES of title reassignments! The latest seller of this car says he "hasn't had time to fix the damage" which is true since he's only owned it ONE DAY!

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or... perhaps its the same person... they got like 50 replies for the first post... so they lied and said it was sold and jacked up the price. Then they got 20 for the next post.... so they lied again and jacked up the price again.... all they need is 1 sucker to buy it the 3rd day.


I say flag the ad :grin:

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