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Soob noob with some basic questions

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Been looking at Subarus for a while, and I'm glad to see there's such a great community behind them. i just had some basic questions to get me started... please feel free to chime in with facts, opinions, and links to threads where this has already been beaten to death.


So... between older gen (80-90) and newer (90-99ish), what are some of the reasons peple have preferences? I'll admit, a lifted '86 hatch looks fricking sweet, and they appear to be much simpler to work on. However, lots of folks are swapping in an EJ22... If i'm not going to be doing a lot of wheeling, is a mid-'90s Impreza or Legacy wagon a good choice? Not qute sure on the difference between the two, anyway.


Is there a thread somewhere that gives a chronology of Soob-ness, complete with opinions, fact, and mythology?


I'm looking for a camping car, something we can throw (gently) the dogs in, put the bikes on, and be able to maneuver in less-than-ideal conditions.


Oh, I'm also from the Pacific NW (WA state), which seems to be some kind of breeding ground for Subaru fanatics. What's up with that?:rolleyes:

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check out http://www.cars101.com that might be of some assistance in helping you make an educated decision on which subaru to buy..I will give you my opinion...Personally I like the Phase 1 EJ22 (most people do)...with the exception they are a little underpowered they are a phenominal engine in terms of life and condition not to mention very few problems when compared to the slew of different EJ25's over the years...I have over 200,000 on mine and it still runs like a top....If I were you I would find something with a Phase 1 EJ22...good engine and old enough car to be a decent price...

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check out www.cars101.com that might be of some assistance in helping you make an educated decision on which subaru to buy..I will give you my opinion...Personally I like the Phase 1 EJ22 (most people do)...with the exception they are a little underpowered they are a phenominal engine in terms of life and condition not to mention very few problems when compared to the slew of different EJ25's over the years...I have over 200,000 on mine and it still runs like a top....If I were you I would find something with a Phase 1 EJ22...good engine and old enough car to be a decent price...


is a 96 legacy L 2.2 considered phase 1 or 2?

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is a 96 legacy L 2.2 considered phase 1 or 2?


Look at the cam covers, if they have three bolts in the center of the cover, and the spark plug wires go in above the cover, it is a phase 1. The phase 2 2.2 came around in 1998 I think, and it looks like an EJ25 except it says "EJ22" on the block. This later style has smooth cam covers, bolts around the edges, and the spark plug wires go through the cover. The phase 2 has a few more HP than the phase 1 EJ22, however it is an interference motor.

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+1 for cars101.


for a few folks there may be advantages or personal preference for the old gen stuff, but it often comes down to economics. old stuff is inexpensive.


new stuff is nicer in general. better trim more options, ABS, 5 lug, air bags, safer, and the market sustains more reliable EJ stuff for sale IMO. it's easier to find an EJ22 that will be trouble free for the next 5 years

IMO as compared to EA82's.


i think there's some misinformation in this thread:


The Phase II EJ22 didn't start until 1999 MY, maybe there's a few in 98, but I think they're mostly 99+.


"interference" EJ22's did not "start" with the Phase II model. EJ22 went interference in 1997, but it's still consider a Phase I.

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Thanks! That website is exactly what I was looking for. It kinda looks like a '96 Outback is a bit of a sweet spot. But from what I understand, you can swap in the Outback suspension on earlier Legacies.


Thanks again everyone...

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