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new guy with a question

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Well I just stumbled across this place. I recently picked up a 86 hatch as my DD while I work on my YJ. I picked the car up from work cheep 150 bux. I neded a ride while rebuilding my jeep. Sence getting this little bugger its so much fun I havent even touched my jeep. But I have one problem. I like to cruze the gravel on my way home check some traps shool a gun or 2. Well almost every day i get a flat im shure due to cheep 3 ply car tires. I see all thes lifts but im not going to put a 400 dollar lift on a 150 dollar car i mainly drive to and from work 30 miles round trip.



I looked arond here and saw lots of spacer lifts. Now fab is not a problem 4 me. but do you all just drop the struts or do you lower the lower cradel also.

How much power did you all lose with bigger meats


here are a few pics to show what i usualy pay with


my jeep




my old toy





my durango






you all get the picture

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Or this 2" is probably one of the cheapest and easiest:



yeah, except...


I wouldn't try this style suspension lift on a gen 2. The shorter axles just get too stressed at such angles, in my opinion anyways. You'd really need to do a full lift to get much life out of your axles.


camo has a gen2...


so he's going to need to install a full body lift in order to get bigger tires under there to give him the real lift...

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when i can pry the camra from the woman ill get pics up.



I read several diy lifts and just saw no mention of doing aney thing to the lowers so i figured id ask





also my soobie died on me today found that the factory 220k fuel pump finaly died 46 bux later where on the road with more power than ever

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Yeah, okay, maybe not the cheapest...in the long run. EA82 axles can take it, if you could swap those out too. Then you may as well pay the dough for a good kit, like SJR or Bill O. The fact that you got it so cheap, just makes for a less expensive project! :banana:

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