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thank you for all the wisdom I see in this forum! You encouraged me to be bold enough NOT to $497 to complete work listed below.

I bought this car 26 mos ago @132k. It came with a knock which the dealer said was normal. Since the purchase I've had some recall work done, brakes and 5k oil changes. The chk engine light has been on constantly for some 9 mos running fine. She has 160k today. I got an oil change last Wed (coincidence?). Thur on the 4 mi to work the engine light flashed and she began driving rough.

Codes that came up-- P0303 -- P0325 -- P0420 -- there are other 'quote' details I'll include in another msg if nec. He wrote plugs, wires, fuel filter & knock sensor. I replaced the plugs and fuel filter. Was gonna do the wires but Subaru dealer gave me the wrong set :eek:


I read in a code P0303 question from Nov 4 "First remove the exhaust y-pipe. Inspect the guides on #3 cylinder. If they have dropped down you will need to replace the cylinder heads." Yikes that's scary and I'm a novice!!

I haven't fired up the car yet cos I wanted the gas that spilt out of the filter to evaporate. I disconnected the battery terminals to get to the plugs so I am assuming the ECU will reset. Any idea if I need the knock sensor?? Most posts say likely not. I thought I'd take the path of least resistence and put in the least first.

Thanx for any comments!!

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If the knock can be confirmed to be piston slap - then it's probably OK. Does it go away/reduce when engine warms up? Possible (though not usually reported on this engine? anyone?) bad TB tensioner allowing TB to flop around, a 'rubbed' spot inside the TB cover would confirm that if you can't feel it when the engine is running. If it's 'pre-igniton detonation/knock' see if it diminishes with high octane gas - could be an ECU or knock sensore issue.

just some ideas - let us know.

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Here is the complete scan/diagnostic:


P0303 misfire #3 cyl -- change plugs n wires?

P0325 knock sensor #1 malfunction -- where is the sensor?

P0420 Catalyst efficiency low, bank 1 -- what is this?

Failed fuel flow -- changed filter

Plug wire #3 cyl short to ground -- waiting on parts

Plugs 1&3 breaking under load -- changed plugs

Bad knock sensor


Can anyone tell me where the knock sensor is and is there any advice in installation? I managed to break off the bolts from the washer fluid tank to the strut housing - minor glitch but would hate to do similar to the sensor :(


97 legacy L, 2.2 AWD, auto trans

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I've spent many hours going thru many repair forums. I have an FYI for anyone else interested in my suby's code situation:


P0420 Catalyst efficiency low, bank 1 = catalytic converter needs replacing... I thought so but wanted to be sure.


NOW if someone can tell me where the knock sensor is I'll get my tools and getter done.


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The knock sensor on my '88 Loyale is on top of the engine close to middle. I would think yours may be around there also. Mine looked similar to a oil pressure sensor. It just screwed into the top of the engine and had a single wire connected to it.They can, and do go bad, like mine did.


The sensor is a piezoelectric device that generates a signal when vibrated at certain rate. When the cylinder backfires or pings the sensor sends a signal to the ECU and it triggers the CEL (check engine light). If you can't clear the code for a bad sensor and the wiring to it is ok then you may have to replace it.

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  • 2 months later...



Wanted to see where Christina is with the P0420.



'95 Wagon (P0420 and P0301)




I've spent many hours going thru many repair forums. I have an FYI for anyone else interested in my suby's code situation:


P0420 Catalyst efficiency low, bank 1 = catalytic converter needs replacing... I thought so but wanted to be sure.


NOW if someone can tell me where the knock sensor is I'll get my tools and getter done.


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