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Axle Reboot/Rebuild info needed

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I've found a lot of references to replacing boots and checking CV joints etc but can't find out how to get a boot on or what to check for. How can you tell if it's still good, how much grease do you pack into it and how do you get a boot on / do you dismantle it? if so how... any write-ups available? ('86 4wd wagon)

Edited by cap86
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OK next quextion.


Replacement boots cost $5.... $15.... and $40 (+/-) online.



$40 = Dorman

$15 = EMPI

$5 = Ohno (!?) (is that name trying to tell us something?)


is there a difference in quality / results?

is there a difference in Material



Also if the old boot looks good (i.e. never torn) is it ok to just squeeze in some more grease (if so what kind) and put new boot on.


or remove all old grease and replace with new.



Oh and one more thing.


MWE gives $25 core charge but shipping has got to be around $25 right? why bother

Edited by cap86
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