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Well, SOA came through for me. Per my Sube dealer, both my Forester's HG's were seeping and needed to be replaced. I asked what SOA could do for me considering I had 71k miles and no extended warrenty. Since the HGs were already replaced at 42k mi, it seemed more than a little strange that they failed again 30k miles later. I asked about the new warrenty and conditioner and the dealer said they would talk to SOA. A few hours later, I've got new HGs under warrenty. The dealer told me to original HGs were bad and the first set of replacements came from the same bad batch/design. These new HGs were the newer redesigned ones. After 30k miles, the conditioner should be added after the coolent is flushed. It was not added now, however.


So, I'm happy SOA took care of everything and my dealer was tremendous in taking care of SOA. I got new HGs that *should* last, but I'll get at least 30k more of this car - although I'm hoping for a lot more!

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Instead of waiting around for a letter, last Friday I called SOA and got an official case number for my HG situation which seems to have been a good decision as far as pushing things toward a quick solution.


After talking with them, I decided to get another inspection at a different dealer which I did this morning. They found that both HGs were leaking- why the previous dealer didn't find this is somewhat disturbing and needless to say, I won't be returning there again. Ever.


Anyway, the good news is that SOA is covering the replacement which is a great relief. Dropping off tomorrow.

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