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Turbocharged Justy

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they said it couldn't be done.. they said what's the point, it's only a justy.. they laughed and rolled their eyes...


but he did it anyway. good for him. wonder how fast it goes? i'd say yes to a ride...


and i don't think that's been posted before, BTW

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Originally posted by Do It Sidewayz

I wonder if the XT6 injectors have more flow than the stock justy ones.


Stock XT6 injectors flow 185ccs. Now you have to find out what the Justy flows. 185cc?!? Pathetic! Maybe Justy injectors would be an upgrade for me. :brow:

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My friends and I turbo'd a justy, and it went like a scalded dog. We put bilstien rally inserts up front and it cornered like a gokart.


It made power up to 8k rpm easily. The drawback was the ECVT. Don't waste your time turboing an EVT justy.


We didn't even make as fancy a header as they made. we just cut off the original exaust manifold about an inch off the head, welded a piece of 1.5" dom tubing and mounted the turb over by the tranny. As it turns out you don't need to modify anything to get it to fit up front by doing it this way. I put the radiator in the back because I though the turbo would have problems, they went with a smaller radiator. With some planning you don't have to do either. We plumbed it, and then checked for leaks and other problems.



Then we drove it like we stole it.

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Hi all, I had a hand in the Justy... actually, I stood around a lot and complained that we were out of beer. I have less than an hour of time in on the car, but I am the assmallet who set up the fuel system.


I wasn't sure previous to this thread what the Justy injectors flowed, but I was sure it wasn't enough given it's econobox nature. We had a set of Ford 35lb/hr (a little more than 350cc) injectors lying around as Dave is big into Merkur XR4Ti's, and I was pretty sure those were big enough so I snagged them up. I scaled down MAP sensor input by feeding it a less-than 5 volt referrence via an adjustable voltage regulator, I refer to it as a MAPhack, and that's pretty much now we synched the injectors for the car. It's a $15 variant of the "AFC boost hack" that Honda kids run on their MAP-based systems, I don't know if anyone here is familiar with it.


It's useful to point out that after 6.5 psig the Justy's MAP sensor can't read any higher, which makes it a 1.5 bar MAP for future referrence ;)


The brown top injectors had to be modified to fit... we broke away a bit of brown plastic at the top and at the bottom to fit them - just be careful not to damage the tip of the nozzle and everything will be fine.


Anyway, I'd guess the car is a 15 second ride, nothing spectacular, but pretty decent. It sucks goat wang out of the hole... no major wheelspin or anything, it just doesn't seem to move too well. Once you hit ~40 mph the car starts rolling pretty well and you really notice that it's accelerating... it does decent highway passing, and we've had the car accelerates uphill at 90 mph with a passenger and a toolbox in it ;) I've never driven a stock Justy, but that's supposed to be impressive. Measuring it by the Metro/Festiva yardstick, I'd agree.


I have *absolutely* *no* *idea* of Subaru's build quality, but looking at the rods they are fairly stout items, somewhere in size between Honda D16 and B18A/B rods. If the items are as stout as the Honda ones, I'd say 150 whp is not a problem if you wanted to maintain reliability. I realize eyeballing rod size is not a good indication of what they will hold, but, if you've ever seen the pencil sized **** they use in the Sentra Spec-V... LOL. I'm kind of nervous about the pistons, as I've heard poor things about the non-turbo Subarus of the era not liking boost, but as long as we don't detonate it should be fine.


Dave was planning on getting a Megasquirt fuel injection setup for it, so we can dial it in perfect and push some limits, but the oil drain plug fell out last night on his way home, stuck a rod *through* the balance shaft and out the block. Anybody in the southeast have a donor engine (or three) they might donate, or let go for a modest fee?

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The Justy engine is unique to the breed. Other motors will be close (IE Sprint) but they share no mechanicals with any other motor. I have a complete set of manuals (with Chilton stickers on them - thank you ebay) so if you need any details just let me know.


I have a spare motor (everything but a crank) that you may glean for information...again if you need it...


I was going to use a rhb32 turbo for my motor, mostly because I want it spooled up by 2500 rpm. Why did you go to the rhb5?


I am doing a full build on the motor before I put the turbo on. My project engine has 120,000 miles on it. The plan is to blueprint the engine with a cam and possibly new pistons.


I spent a week in Ashville this summer and saw NO Justys. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.


I would be interested in a kit... :)

Matthew Bos

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Dave used the RHB5 because he had one laying around. It spools by 3K, giving a good usable powerband from 3-7K.


As it sits, he's frustrated with the car, he'd probably take an offer on the whole turbo setup... the first incarnation ran ten minutes before breaking a ring land on #2 cylinder. 170K mile engine, and the #2 injector was frozen, toasted the ring land with detonation pretty quick. This second one was running fine, it ran about 150 miles in two days, then locks up on him as he is coming off the interstate on his way back from school because he lost his oil drain plug. He's now broke and the Jeep costs him $70/week in gas to just get to + from school.


Your offer of a good Justy engine minus crank is very tempting, I'm worried about shipping cost though.

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hmmm....it blew up huh?? that completely sucks.


See i just rebuilt the bottom end of my Justy Motor, and didn't touch the top end, as the bores still had the factory cross hatching on them.


It has all new rod bearings, and main bearings, along with new gaskets and stuff.


I would be interesting in buying the entire "kit"


basically. turbo, manifold, intercooler, piping, intake spacer, injectors....that kinda thing.


Although i could build my own also...i dunno..


I've been dreaming of a turboed justy for years. just haven't had the means to get done until somewhat recently.

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I offered to purchase a kit from Mr. Joe Davis first even though I don't have a Justy. :D Before selling it though, could you get a blueprint or something of the kit and make additional parts so you can keep reselling it again and again? It would be a shame to see it go to just one person and that be it.


People have been waiting for something like this for quite some time.


And thanks Joe for joining the USMB and posting info about your project. ;)

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Originally posted by Joseph Davis

I wasn't sure previous to this thread what the Justy injectors flowed, but I was sure it wasn't enough given it's econobox nature. We had a set of Ford 35lb/hr (a little more than 350cc) injectors lying around as Dave is big into Merkur XR4Ti's, and I was pretty sure those were big enough so I snagged them up. I scaled down MAP sensor input by feeding it a less-than 5 volt referrence via an adjustable voltage regulator, I refer to it as a MAPhack, and that's pretty much now we synched the injectors for the car. It's a $15 variant of the "AFC boost hack" that Honda kids run on their MAP-based systems, I don't know if anyone here is familiar with it.


It's useful to point out that after 6.5 psig the Justy's MAP sensor can't read any higher, which makes it a 1.5 bar MAP for future referrence ;)


The 'AFC boost hack' Joe is referring to can be found here....

AFC Boost Hack

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I checked out the Justy and it is too cool!! I have an 88 4wd Justy that I've been fooling with for the past 4 years. It sucks that the engine let go. Good news is I have about 6 parts cars and am in the process of getting another...Even better news..I live in Midland NC (about 25 miles east of Charlotte) I can help ya save the Justy if you guys are up for it!!!


E-mail me at viehmanj@bellsouth.net


Let's do it man....The car and concept are too neat to end up in the bone yard!!!

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So make a thread stating what info you are looking for. There are lots of us that know a little about Loyales that would be willing to help you....



Or use the excellent search function featured in a sticky on the top of the page


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Originally posted by viehmann

I checked out the Justy and it is too cool!! I have an 88 4wd Justy that I've been fooling with for the past 4 years. It sucks that the engine let go. Good news is I have about 6 parts cars and am in the process of getting another...Even better news..I live in Midland NC (about 25 miles east of Charlotte) I can help ya save the Justy if you guys are up for it!!!


E-mail me at viehmanj@bellsouth.net


Let's do it man....The car and concept are too neat to end up in the bone yard!!!


Whoa... thank you.


After Dave slept on it, he decided he wasn't going to ditch the Justy. He's just sick of being a full time student and not having any money, and then has to waste what little he has like this.

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