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Off-Road Horror Stories


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When I lived in Colorado, I was going down a slick snow and ice covered trail, in the dark. We took the wrong fork not realizing it until I hit the dead end. I started to back out and the car started sliding off to the right. Well, thats where it all went to hell, in a hurry. She kept sliding down until the pass. side rocker came to rest ofn a good sized rock. If it wasn't for that rock, I would.t be typing this as the car would have rolled a few hundred feet down into the trees. The thing was sitting at such an angle the drivers side tires were about compleatly unloaded. When I walked around the back of the car, I slid on some ice, and started sliding down the hill! I didn't stop until I hit a rock, with my head. From what my gf told me I was out for 5 or ten minutes. Any way, I came to, and wraped up my head itwith an old towel, and we hiked on out of there, where I caaled a friend to come get us, and take me to the hospital.

12 hours , a concution, and 25 stitches later we went to recover the car. We had a couple of straps and a 1/2 ton ford, which didn't even budge the car. After some more thinking and planning, we got my pickup, and another friends jeep, along with a come along and a few log chains and straps to recover the car. with the come along, I ancored the front og the car to a tree to prevent it from sliding any more. anf hooked a log chain to the rear, and ran it up and around a tree to get a pull at the right angle. We had all three trucks hooked in a train to pull the car up and out. I wish I had taken pictures of all this, but pictures were the last thing on my mind! I was more worried that someone might come along and do some heavy damage to the car, or worse, get it rolling over down the hill side.


I still have this car, and its currently my dd, and has been for the last 5 years.

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Well, mine's not nearly as heroic. I started driving a little over a year ago. For the most part I drove my mom's 96 Chrysler van. The rare escapade in my dad's 97 legacy ls kept my anxiousness for my 96 legacy in the backyard at bay until its brakes were fixed.

Finally, on September 1st I got to drive my very own car. My first car. On September 3rd I took my car out for a drive. I filled her up with gas, went to the car-wash, put in my new cd, and picked up two friends. We took a drive up a nearby mountain to my favorite lookout. A few miles up, the road turned to gravel. I grew up pretty much in the city, mind you, and never drove on gravel myself.

Being midsummer and a new driver with two friends in the car, my teenage spirit took over and I decided to test the limits. As I attempted to drift the tiniest bit around a small corner, I felt the tires slipping. In a panic I slammed on the brakes, quickly and sharply turned the wheel to the left, seeing an oncoming tree, I steered sharply to the right. All the while, in my head, I told myself "don't over-correct". Too late.

As I slid around the second corner, my passenger side tires caught the edge of the road, as the gravel gave way I felt the car tip. I attempted to drive down the hill to avoid over-turning, but a stump caught my passenger front tire. Our momentum flipped us in the ditch, landing us on our top.

The car was a loss. Thankfully no one was hurt and my dad was more pissed that I had a boy in the car than that I totaled it :rolleyes:. And so goes my very first car. As my brother said: "At least you know how to go out with a bang!"


Oh and I might add... The car had been in a rollover before we bought it, and survived. The passengers were by no means injured by this wreck. A true testament to the longevity and trustworthiness of a Sub!

Edited by GirlWithALegacy
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  • 3 weeks later...

my last blue EA82 wagon i had that was SPFI on Goodyear ultra grip stock size tires i was goofin around in a marshy field. wrangler pulls in and gets stuck.


so i pull out the jeep then on my way out i got stuck. well they had left and its about 11pm now. finally got ahold of my wife and had her come get me, go get a tow strap form wal-mart. track down a lifted F250 that after another hour was able to pull me out from sitting on the frame.

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Mine not really a horror story, more of a comedic anecdote, the result of my stupidity and my dumb friends egging me on :lol: Anyway it went something like this





Basically, I tried to cross a ditch out in the hills that I had crossed 2 times before, but this time I hit it at the wrong angle, and got hight centered. Well while my buddies got out to push me off, when I gave it gas it caught traction and launched it up the opposite bank, resulting in what you see here. Luckily I was prepared, had my tools and my High lift, and using the High lift, spare tire, and 2 tow straps, we got it unstuck. This was the only damage, besides busting off a Gen 1 Brat mirror I had on the fender




Put some oil in it and went on our way :banana:


One of the scariest moments though was in the same car, a few months ago, my buddy and I were puttin around the range at night cuz we were bored, and I decided to go down a finger into the valley off the ridge we were on, but my buddy said there was a better way... Well his way wasnt better, and we got the car so sideways that a slight breeze coulda pushed the car tumbling about 400 yards down into the rock bottomed valley below. I told to get the ************ out of the car and proceded to recover the rig safely :banana:


Lesson learned: My buddy can navigate, but he dont know ************ about how to wheel :rolleyes:


Oh another time I took the grey Brat I got in Idaho a while back out into the hills. Only catch, it was in RWD, no front axles. it made it down the finger into the valley just fine, but I couldnt get it back out. I had to wheel a stock height, rwd small tires Brat out of 3 miles of boulders in the bottom of a canyon at 2 AM by myself. That was... Interesting. But I did it :banana: Had to keep up momentum so I wouldnt get caught with one wheel in the air (open rear diff :dead:)


Like I said, no real horror stories, just some stupidness :rolleyes:



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when i got my first soob it was a 1985 red wagon with the DR 5 speed bone stock me and two buddys whent wheeling and got high sunk in down to the frame rails we hoped someone would come by and we could get pulled out but we had gone wheeling at 10am on a wednsday so needless to say every one is at work and we are out of cell phone range and 16 miles from the nearest person. finaly we got out to someone on the CB radio they where about a mile out and came to help we got home around 1030pm coverd head to toe in mud.


second in the same car about 3 months later i was playing out on some old dirt roads and had a tire start going flat so i start booking it out of the hills (again no cell phone reception) i finaly get to the flats but still on gravle i finaly lose the tire still out in the middle of BFE i slow to about 20MPH and kept trucking allong oh and so you know the tire was my spare so anywho im going along and what do i start to hear but ssssssssssss my other front tire started going flat so i speed up to about 40mph luckaly it was mostly straight roads after about 5 min i lost the drivers tire so both front wheels where on the ground but i kept going finaly i get bars on my cell and call for some spare tires.


one of my worst fears is being stranded i dont like having to leave my rig in the middle of nowhere let alone sit in the dark alone in the middle of nowhere

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  • 3 weeks later...

BTDT, girly. But, down a 40 foot embankment in some girls parents rental car.


Turnbull canyon, southern california heads know what I'm talking about.


Tried to hotshot it around some gnarly bends and eventually

lost control,plowing into a fence, over and out.

Rolled at least 5 times until coming to a halt at the bottom.

I was the dumb************ of the day for sure, I ended up having to pull pieces of the windshield from the girls forehead.


I'm extremely lucky i didn't kill anyone of the 3 passengers inside.

It made your car look unscathed, so please learn from your mistake.


Consider yourself blessed.

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Back when I still lived in SoCal, I decided to take the white Brat out to the old Mojave Phone Booth site one weekend. In order to get there from L.A., it's about 220 miles on I-15 North followed by about another 14 miles on desert tracks - think dirt & deep sand in places. The tracks are actually in pretty good condition, and you can keep up anywhere from 30-50mph in places. The sand will slow you right down to a crawl, though, and it's a good idea to keep your tyre pressures down when driving on it.


I was bombing down one particular stretch when I hit a patch of sand. Speed went down to about 10mph - then, just as I was coming out of it, I felt the driver's side front wheel dip sharply (enough to tilt the passenger rear side of the bed up in the air about two feet) and come back down hard. I immediately stopped to see what had happened.


It was a good thing that when I opened the door, I looked at the ground because there wasn't any. I'd clipped the edge of an unmarked mineshaft with the front wheel and missed going in completely by about a foot. God only knows how deep the drop into there was; certainly, you couldn't see the bottom.


Good weekend otherwise, and damn was that Brat good on the washboard stuff. Rattled like hell but went like a bat out of the same over it.

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Good to see you use Fram filters...



JUNK. Anyone reading at a 3rd grade level could tell you that. I don't buy filters for the convenience of a bit of rubberized coating on the end, and neither should anyone else. Oil Filters are like "unfortunate" looking girls; it's what's on the inside that counts.


Carry on.

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It was a dark and stormy night. . .



Well it was night anyways.

My hatch started making horrendous clunking noises from the drivers front wheel area. This was as I was leaving Evans Creek on a Saturday. Means no businesses open for a good long while.

So Qman followed me to a lighted car wash and we changed the axle. Not the problem. I drove it at 25 mph for about 50 miles. It was clunking and grinding the whole way. I was holding on TIGHT to the wheel the whole time worried it would break right off or something. It wsa a very long and unnerving drive, let me tell you that.

Made it to a buddy's house in the CD and bummed a ride home.


The end.

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I still get super tense on gravel and corners near ditches. I go slow and don't like to drive with other people in my car. You could definitely say it scared the adventure out of my blood.

If we had been on any other stretch of that road.. well.. we won't go there.

It's sobering when you realize just how quickly you can loose the ones you love because of your own carelessness. I had 3 lives solely in my hands that day.

Now I know what it means to have respect for life. But I wish that lesson upon no one.



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And that was before I knew crap about cars so.. I had nothing to do w/the filter. lol.

Yeah Twitch called 911 while I was still upsidedown. In fact I didnt leave the car for a good 5 mins.

I was so shocked I didn't even shut off the car till he told me to.

I'd have been lost without him.. still would be.

Yes I got a ticket. Actually the cop was extremely nice and understanding. He didn't give me a ticket at first. Refused to.

But, his supervisor saw the pictures and made him come to my house a week later and give me a ticket.

I had it essentially dismissed. lol.

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Your engine was still running for 5 minutes while upside down?


haha. no no. I was still in the car, but the car was not running.

Right when we flipped the first thing I said was "what do I do"?

They both immediately said "SHUT THE CAR OFF!" I said... "uh. ok.:confused:"

Then they fumbled out of the car, twitch with phone in hand, calling 911.

They came back to the car every minute or two asking if I was ok.

I didn't have much of an answer. I had just flipped a $3k gift that I'd had less than a week. :eek:

I think once my brain remembered how to tell my fingers to move, that's when I got out. :clap:



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