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Getting Hot!

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So since my motor swap to the EA81 into my EA82 GL, it has been off and on, running hot. Today was the worst. I was driving home from work and it crept up to about 2/3rds maybe a little more on the temp gauge. It's mostly only when I'm driving down the road. If it is just sitting and idling it stays nice and cool. I have a new water pump, and the only other thing is that I have 3 Hella 500's mounted on the front bumper in front of the grill. But I had 2 of them when I still had the other motor. So I dunno. I'm really hoping it's not the head gaskets. They are not visibly leaking, and when the motor was in the Brat I took it out of, it ran great with no over heating problems. So any ideas? I am going to try installing a thermostat, but it doesn't really act like that. Thanks ahead of time!



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Just going through the usual causes.... you did burp the system? new rad cap? make sure none of the hoses are collapsing coolant level ok..checked for cold spots on the rad? EA82 rads are notorious for getting clogged.

Also you should be running it with a T stat..it allows the coolant to stay in the rad longer and cool it off better. And I know you know this ..but OEM only.


run the car ( in idle) with the rad cap off ..keep checking it for bubbles in the radiator..might take a good 15 minutes to get warmed up the whole way. one or 2 bubbles every second or so is OK...but many more then that..check for head gaskets.

Mine would run alittle warm..but when I was checking this for someone else..thats when I discovered mine was bubbling so much it looked like foam.



Good luck

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So I just got back from a ride. I changed the thermostat, and checked for leaks, and Connie, I did check for cold spots. It definitely isn't clogged. The hoses are very hard after it gets up to temp. I also checked the oil and there is no water in it. I smelled the overflow and it smells like just plain old antifreeze. It did take a long ride before it started getting hot. It stayed at about half, and then after about 10 minutes it finally started climbing and held steady at about 2/3rds again. It does not go into the red at all, it stays about 1/4" below the red line. It does not matter how hard I drive it, it stays at that level. But it will idle and stay normal for as long as I let it. How safe is it to drive at that temp level? This sucks, I have a camping trip planned in a couple weeks, that's why I changed the motor!! Thanks for the help!! And keep the ideas coming

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Maybe its just the gauge. you have access to one of those laser thermometers? I can suggest the set up I am running on the coupe..extremely accurate. takes all of 5 minutes to install. It would give you a better idea of what the temp actually is. Got this from backwoodsboy. Get a digital oven thermometer..the one with the little read out..a cord with a probe on the end. shove the probe under the foam around the heater core lines inside the car under the dash..and there you have it..beyond accurate temp gauge. I can get some pics later if you want

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The fan is working properly, I just double checked that. I let it run with the cap off and it just slowly ran out of the top. There were some bubbles, but not a lot. But as it ran longer it started to run out faster. Then I shut it off and it shot out all over the place........that sucked:-\ . I'm pretty sure the temp gauge is working properly. It seems like the motor is definitely hotter than it should be. It is still running at 2/3rds. So again, this sucks!!! I wish I had a hoist and everything right here, I would just yank the motor out of my Brat and put it in. But it's not that easy!!

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Did you swap engine temp sensors between the two engines? They're not compatable systems, different resistance parameters.


No, but I do have the fuel injection manifold on there. Where is it located? and what do I have to do?

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Well, I just took it for another ride and it's the same. But it does not go above 2/3rds, so maybe it is just the difference between the two motors, and the temp sensors. I dunno. It runs great and there are no leaks anywhere. So I will just drive it and hope for the best. Thanks again for the help!

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Have you tried a different radiator? It may just not have enough flow anymore. Cold spots will only show up on severely clogged radiators and the EA82 radiators are already undersized. You are telling me that it only overheats under a load - that's classic symptom of poor flow through your radiator. It simply cannot reject enough heat.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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I have not tried another yet, I guess I will try that next. Thanks GD


So is it really bad to drive it like it is? It is my daily right now so I have been driving to work and back everyday.

Edited by bratman18
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When you get a new radiator, get one of those all-metal, dual core Turbo ones, I got one for my mom's car and the Beast, I think they were about 150 bucks a piece, but they were worth it. Since you used the SPFI manifold you do have the correct temp sensor for your guage, but you should check with a good infared temp gun or top notch temp guage to be sure its right, it is 20 years old after all :rolleyes:



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So I drove it to work and back today. On the way to work, it never got above half way on the gauge between the bottom and the red, and then this afternoon, it stayed at 1/4 for half the ride and then slowly crept up to half and stayed there. It's so weird how it's so inconsistent.

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I have done that before, but yeah, not worth it. My back already hurts from work. So who is that anyway?


I have no idea. I was watching Kingbobdole's dyno pulls, and that was one of the related videos. I've done similar with an EA81, it was about as much work as putting the cast iron 4BBL intake on my F250, they weighed about the same.

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