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Auxillary input on 2000 Outback Legacy radio HU?

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I want to add a direct line from my MP3 player to the stock AM/FM/WB/cassette radio head unit in our 2000 Outback. I was hoping I could do it via the connector for the optional CD player, but after I pulled the radio out and discovered the proprietary connector in the back I'm not so sure. Does anyone know the:


1) Pinout, and

2) Any successfull "hacks" - I've read that the radio needs more than just audio, but also some data control lines.


I've seen various traffic on this subject, but nothing conclusive. I don't want to do it via the FM transmitter.



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Didn't see anything over at NASIOC so I thought I'd add to the discussion.


Don't waste your time with all of the wiring hacks. Go to your local car audio shop and, if your set on keeping the stock headunit, for $50 you can get a device that plugs in inline with the antenna that will give you your aux in. It works on the same principle as the FM transmitters, but does a MUCH better job. It requires running power and ground and a few other things.


I had gone this route until my stock headunit started randomly ejecting CDs when I was driving above 60 MPH. Very strange...I decided to show that deck who was boss and replaced it.

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