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What kind of paint?

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Sending the '85 Brat that I resurrected out for paint http://http://www.flickr.com/photos/26905545@N07/sets/72157605926523746/detail/


What should I have them put on? Acrylic enamel? Deltron/Imron (Polyurethane Enamel)? Acrylic Urethane?


I'm having it done bright white. No metallic. Should I have them clear coat or just go with color coats?


Vehicle is going to see its fair share of road driving (me) and I'm sure bush parties (my kid) so I'd be looking for something pretty durable.


Suggestions? Right now I'm leaning toward Imron (Poly Enamel).

Edited by ettev
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My brother has a body shop so I know a little about paint. Imron would be my top choice if gravel roads were traveled very little. Imron is hard so it is very scratch resistant, but it chips easy because it is hard. I wouldn't top coat with clear. Imron will keep its shine for a very long time. I had my 87 Brat painted with Imron in 2001. Mainly because I work at a chemical plant and there was an acid type rain that fell from the plant stacks sometimes. Very hard on paint. It looked good for over 5 years. Just had it repainted 1.5 years ago with a NAPA ureathane and it doesn't have that wet look like Imron did. In hindsight I wished I would have ponyed up the extra bucks for a Imron recoat even though it still looks good when washed and waxed. Good luck and that is my limited knowledge on paint.

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as much flexing of the chassis I would think the cracking of a Deltron would be a issue. It sure looks great and shines but it cannot flex without chipping/cracking. The BRAT chassis has lots of flex, something to consider.

Edited by bheinen74
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Imron is a trade name for Dupont urethane paint.

Since there is no metallic a single stage with no clear coat should be fine

and should cost less.

Any quality brand should be fine like PPG,Martin Senor,Valspar,Sherwin Williams, etc.

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Made a final decision and the truck goes today. Decided on going with a single stage DuPont ChromePremier Urethane. http://www.blueridgepaint.com/pdfs/Automotive/singlesatge/H-19311_CPUreSS.pdf

No clear, just color coats. Going with a very bright solid white, no metallic. I'll post pics when she's done.


Also going with a set of halo decals from Pooparu. Doing them in urban gray camo material. CAM-101-GBC.jpg

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If your going a solid white color and you want to stay with Dupont brand

why not try their budget brand.

Dupont has a budget brand called Nason but it's still a quality urethane product.

I shot this hood using Nason single stage urethane in fleet white.

It was my first time spraying Urethane and was done in a open air shop using a cheap Harbour Freight tools hvlp gun.


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