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Lift kits

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200 shipped im in portland and yes no drop down of crossmembers


2 day wait right now I have a set done already


  Chevytech said:
Help, looking all over for maybe 2" lift, 98 legacy ooutback... well, whatever isn't gonna cause problems would like to refrain from lowering trans and diff.

is it possible? anything local in wa?






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what is the biggest bolt on lift i can put on a 96 legacy outback? 2"-4". it is my daily driver so i cant be without it for long and dont want to have to really mess around with extending or lowering anything. unless it comes with the kit and is quick and simple. i live in anchorage alaska 99503. thanks james

Edited by AKwhitetrash907
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Its all about what you want 2 inch is pretty nice and its noticeable 2 inch is just the strut tops and suspension only all hardware included


3- 4 includes 2 inch subframe drop with 3 to 4 inch suspension drop loooks are killer and the ride is really nice with said bigger tires



  AKwhitetrash907 said:
what is the biggest bolt on lift i can put on a 96 legacy outback? 2"-4". it is my daily driver so i cant be without it for long and dont want to have to really mess around with extending or lowering anything. unless it comes with the kit and is quick and simple. i live in anchorage alaska 99503. thanks james
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Figured out what you might be interested in im a little slow now can get you done in a day and shipped out


  StormChaseTV said:
SoobNoob here. I have a 94 legacy wagon, and I need to get 'er off the ground. Looks like something my grandma would drive. I've been thinking about doing the forester strut lift. I want to get as high as I can get without having to wongleflute around with too much. What are my options?
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Normally a 2" will just drop the struts through brackets yes. I THINK SJR has some accommodations in their 2" lift to address CV angle problems but Im not sure if this set is made with them. Either way, just dropping the struts works fine from what Ive researched. May eat up CV's quicker though.


edit: im curious to know 2" lift price too.. =]


edit to my edit: He offers just the lift brackets yes. Found this link to his site a few pages back


Edited by ghost
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Heya mike! got the lift installed, looks great! :banana: I am like a freakin fat kid in a candy store man!! recently put some JDM projector headlights in it... hmm... what next...


FYI... did have trouble with the rear toe, out a tad, maxed out concentrics but no luck.. any ideas??

out about 5/32"

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So you had a alignment afterward or no The last 3 cars 97 and 98 outbacks and one 98 forrester they turned out alright


but not saying anything isnt weird all the lifts I made I had to change one thing or another fro certain years or models or etc..


come to think about it they settled out maybe thats all yours needs to do forgot about that



  Chevytech said:
Heya mike! got the lift installed, looks great! :banana: I am like a freakin fat kid in a candy store man!! recently put some JDM projector headlights in it... hmm... what next...


FYI... did have trouble with the rear toe, out a tad, maxed out concentrics but no luck.. any ideas??

out about 5/32"

Edited by michael appel
cuz I can
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Ya Mike, aligned after, but the amount it's out is barely noticeable, doesn't drive wonky or anything.. the kid that aligned it (my apprentice, I am a team leader/shop foreman at a Chev dealer) got the steering wheel off center a tad, we are gonna correct it at lunch one of these days, not in much of a hurry as I saw the specs before he finished and it's pretty much in the green except for the little bit of toe and camber in the rear, so when we do we will see if it settled out... but thanks!! car handles just as it did before the lift, love it!!

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Sweet thanks could you send me a picture again thanks


  Chevytech said:
Ya Mike, aligned after, but the amount it's out is barely noticeable, doesn't drive wonky or anything.. the kid that aligned it (my apprentice, I am a team leader/shop foreman at a Chev dealer) got the steering wheel off center a tad, we are gonna correct it at lunch one of these days, not in much of a hurry as I saw the specs before he finished and it's pretty much in the green except for the little bit of toe and camber in the rear, so when we do we will see if it settled out... but thanks!! car handles just as it did before the lift, love it!!
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