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98 OBW Timing Belt/Pulley Killed Motor - Need Advice

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Subaru now recommends flat bed truck towing for all AWD vehicles. But, an AWD manual transmission car can be towed with all four wheels on the pavement for a limited distance and speed. Once again, I believe that Subaru no longer recommends this practice.

With a FWD automatic, you don't have the problem of the tranny pulling itself apart due to a locked multi-clutch pack. It's FWD, there is no multi-clutch pack. You still probably have the problem of the AT going without lubrication if the motor is not running. So, it's a matter of luck. How much residual oil is left on the internal parts, ambient temperature, and length of tow. Still, it's very cheap and easy to rent a dolly, why take a risk and flat tow a FWD AT even one mile?

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I'm not sure JCE. So you're saying you can tow an automatic 4WD on a dolly?


To "lock" the rear transfer clutches, like when I install the switches that I do, you "cut power" to the Duty C - which locks the clutch pack. So without power it's "locked".



You are correct about cutting power locks the Transfer. But that is with an egnien running, driving the ATF pump, to generate pressure to hold clutches toghether.


Now,with or without battery, if there isn't a running motor to power the hydraulic pump, there is no clutch engagement.


BUT.........the clutches are still interlocked, riding against eachother. There is no pressure so they slip freely, but there is also no fluid being fed to lubricate them. So the friction material on the clutch plates takes quite the beating.


It works, in that nothing *locks* and the car won't try to buck off the dolly. At least not initially. It is concievable that on a really long tow the heat could build up, and either fry the cluthces out(bad for wallet), or weld them toghether (bad for safety when it bucks off the dolly)

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