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Road Trip

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So, Thursday and Friday my wife and I along with a bunch of friends, went to Northern Maine. We traveled about 3 1/2 hours north from our place to a little town called Jackman. We camped out in tents and got very wet!! We had some very impressive thunder storms, some of the biggest I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately we all got very wet and so did our bedding and clothes.

There was some good points though! I was the only one with a Subaru, and I took my 89 GL. I did a little off roading but not a lot, and unfortunately I didn't get any pics of that. We did a fair amount of fishing and caught a lot of Brook Trout and I caught a couple Salmon as well, all on a fly rod. We also saw a few Moose. Here are some pics!!


This is one of the campsite, with some friends. It was nice to have help watching our daughter!!



We did a lot of driving in very remote areas, so I decided I better bring a gas can



This one is at a boat landing on Moosehead Lake



This one is at a rest area look out on route 201, very nice view!! You can see the fishing gear strapped to the racks:grin:



Over all the trip was good, but we did head home a little early do to being wet, and having my 13 month old daughter with us. We put over 500 miles on, and the car did very good!! I would love to have an EJ22 for the hills, but the EA81 did just fine most of the time. The only problems were a blown headlight bulb, and I have to replace a front hub.

Edited by bratman18
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Nice- One of these days I'm going to have to visit back out that way. My wife's never been there, and I know it's changed a lot since i lived there. I do have fond memories of being at that boat ramp the weekend of my 10th birthday, though, and also being drenched at the Boyscout jamboree at Brunswick NAS two years later. My air mattress floated-

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Yeah I love the sedan!! I wanted one for a long time. I do wish it had more room, but that's ok, it looks awesome!! And yeah, the only issue was a blown head light bulb, so I can't complain!!! And NAPA was open late so I just swung in and got one.

Mykingcrab, I want your roof rack!! Where did you get it?

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Yeah I love the sedan!! I wanted one for a long time. I do wish it had more room, but that's ok, it looks awesome!! And yeah, the only issue was a blown head light bulb, so I can't complain!!! And NAPA was open late so I just swung in and got one.

Mykingcrab, I want your roof rack!! Where did you get it?


I think Crab made that rack? can't remember.. but it does fit the car nicely.



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Crabs roof basket can be found on Ebay. The price is awesome and one of these4 days I will be getting one similar for either my Lego or the Imp.


The sedans looks great!!


Connie, oh I wasn't sure if he made it or found it. Its really nice that it fits with the car..


Hmmm, I'd put it on the Lego :)


Good luck!



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